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ONE OF DAMIEN'S favorite hobbies is to scare and terrorize those who come to woodsboro. It wasn't everyday that people move into woodsboro.

Woodsboro wasn't exactly a special or famous town. Damien always wonders why anyone would move into a town like woodsboro.

Especially when people are getting murdered. So, Damien decided to see why the new guy moved into woodsboro.

"So, why'd you move here?" He questioned taking a bite out of his hot dog. "Are you talking to me?" The new guy questioned

"No. I'm talking to the ghost behind you. Yeah, I'm talking to you." Damien told him, "how do you know that I'm new here?"

"Well, your clothes? Totally suggest that you're an out-of-towner and second, I've been spying on you. I'm your neighbor." Damien told him with a smile

"Damien prescott." He introduced himself ,"Roman bridger." The new guy introduced himself

"Roman bridger? Why does that name sound familiar?" Damien questioned more to himself than to Roman.

"Anyway, why did you move to a place like woodsboro?" Damien asked, "for my family." Roman replied with a smile.

"Family? Huh, that's nice. Did you hear about what's happening in this town?" Damien questioned taking a sip of his soda.

"The murders? Yeah, I've heard."Roman said with a small nod. "So, you came to protect them or something?"

"Something like that." Roman told him ," Damien!" Damien turned his head seeing his sister and friends walking over.

"Who's your new friend?" Billy questioned eyeing Roman. Stu wrapped his arms around Damien, watching Roman with an unreadable look.

"Hi, I'm Roman bridger. I just moved here." Damien removed stu's arms from around him. "He's my neighbor. You remember right, sid? We spied on the guy for over an hour." Sidney nodded, sheepishly smiling

"Sorry about that." Roman chuckled ,"No worries."

"You can't just confess something like that, Damien." Max spoke up, shaking her head at him. "Yeah, he's gonna think you're a perv. Also spying is illegal." Rowan said

"Then you should have a talk with randy." Damien chuckled, "that was one time! And you were with me!" Randy defended himself.

"For the food. I went for the food not the drama." Damien told him, "so, Roman. Got anyone to show you around town?"

Roman shook his head, "No. I don't." Damien smiled ,"I can show you around town."

"That'll be great. Thank you, Damien."

"We'll come too." Billy spoke up and Stu nodded ,"yeah. We're coming with."

Rowan and Max shared a knowing look. Billy and stu were definitely jealous. Sidney and Tatum seemed to noticed but they didn't care.

"Great! We'll show you the best part of woodsboro!"
- -
"You know, I was actually going to scare you and terrorize you." Damien confessed as he drank his ice cream milkshake.

"Why?" Roman questioned and Damien shrugged, "I don't know. But you seem like a great guy, so I didn't."

"Damie always been like that since we were kids." Sidney told Roman, "he once terrorize an old lady when she was walking out of her house." Stu said

"She died." Billy spoke up taking Damien's milkshake and drinking it. "Of natural causes." Damien quickly said.

"Of a heart attack." Randy said, "a year later." Damien added taking his milkshake back.

"Oh, you should totally come over to my house later tonight. It's lasagna night and truth is, my dad really needs a friend." Damien told him

"Isn't my dad his friend?" Rowan questioned, "that doesn't count." Damien replied

"Sure, I'll come over." Roman said and Damien smiled ,"awesome! I can show you my collection of punk rock bands."

Billy and stu could only watch in jealousy. Who the hell was this guy?

It doesn't really matter. Roman was gonna go.

Billy and stu are going to kill him but if only they knew that Roman wasn't just a normal man.
Word count - 647

Hope you enjoy!

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