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DAMIEN KNEW it was a stupid idea. He didn't extacly liked that he was bait for some psycho killer. He thought about what randy and Max told him about mickey.

Mickey has been acting weird, werider than usual. He was actually creepy in a sort of way that was making Damien kinda uncomfortable.

Well, anyway. If Damien was going along with this plan then he has something to tell Billy and Stu.

He found them in their dorm room that they shared. Billy was lying on his bed while stu was working on something by the desk.

"Hey, we need to talk." He closed the door behind him and sat on stu's bed.

"About what?" Stu questioned as Billy sat up giving all his attention to Damien.

Damien cleared his throat, "well, for starters, I just wanna ask, how do you guys feel about kids?"

"You're not pregnant are you?" Billy questioned and Damien raised an eyebrow at him , "we haven't had sex yet."

"Oh, right. Did you get someone pregnant?" Billy questioned, "Nooo." Damien said,

"Who's pregnant?" Stu questioned, both he and billy sharing a look. "It's not my secret to tell but it was just making me think,you know? About us, and what if we have kids in the future?" Damien questioned

"I don't mind having kids but if we do, they have to be all girls." Billy said, "what, why?" Damien questioned

"I wanna be a girl dad."Billy replied. "What if a boy comes out?" Stu questioned and Billy shrugged, "I love them the same."

"Well, I don't mind having kids either." Stu said, "that's great! Because I want like 20." Both stu and billy stared at Damien who started to laugh.


He cleared his throat ,"so um, if..you know we have a kid, what would you name them?" He questioned

"You're acting really weird with all these questions, damie." Stu told him ,"just answer the question."

"Well, for a daughter, Samantha and for a boy..I haven't thought about it." Billy replied, "I haven't actually thought about it." Stu said

Samantha now that's a nice name. Damien smiled ,"well, um..that's actually all I wanted to ask." Hs stood up before going towards the door.

He paused and turned around, "I love you guys." With that he walked out of the room.

Billy and stu stared at the door, "what was that all about?" Stu questioned

"I don't know."

- -

Damien found Christina and walked beside her ,"so, here's a baby name. Samantha." He told her

"Samantha? Samantha carpenter? That has a nice ring to it. How did you come up with it?" She questioned

"I asked Billy." Christina paused and grabbed Damien's arm stopping him from walking.

"You didn't tell him, did you?" She questioned and Damien shook his head ,"Nah. I just asked questions about what if we ended up having kids in the future. Billy wants all girls since he wants to be a girl dad."

Christina laughed ,"oh, he's gonna regret saying that. I used to give my dad hell every day."

Damien smiled, "yeah. I remember those days, I used to help you sneak out and piss your dad off. He though I was a bad influence and he threw a orange at my head."

She laughed ,"he still thinks your a bad influence." She smiled at him, "do you want to have kids?"

Damien nodded ,"yeah. One day." Christina hooked her arm with Damien's

"Come on. Let's get something to eat." She said and Damien nodded both of them starting to walk again.

Unknowing to both of them it would be their last happy moments together.

Word count - 612

Hope you enjoy!

Here's a bit of information - so, this book is an mpreg. Damien is not intersex or Trans but there is gene's that make male's get pregnant.

Damien has the gene and he is able to get pregnant. I hope that made sense.

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