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DAMIEN LISTENED to randy ranted on and on about something. He nodded along to whatever he was saying as he watched Billy, Sidney, stu and Tatum from afar.

Having that talk with Christina made him think about a lot of things. He may love Billy and Stu but they were Sidney's and Tatum boyfriends.

Billy and stu said that Sidney and Tatum were probably cheating on them but that still made Damien guilty.

Why did his stupid heart have to love those two? Even after they killed his mother? Heck, they even made a deal with the devil to save him.

Damien bit his lip, "I think Rowan might be pregnant." Randy suddenly said, "yeah, that's great, randy." Damien nodded his head before the words sunk in.

He turned his head to look at randy ,"what?"

"I mean, she has been acting more sensitive than usual. She's more moody than when she's on her period and she hasn't had her period yet!" Randy freaked

"I think that's something you should talk to Rowan about." Damien told him, looking back at the others.

"Billy's gonna fucking kill me! And Bode is gonna shoot me!" Randy told him, "I know. You should've wore condoms." Damien replied

"I did!" Randy exclaimed, and Damien chuckled ,"Not good ones."

"What am I gonna do, Damien? I'm eighteen and Rowan is about to turn eighteen in three days." Randy sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't think I'm ready to be a dad, yet." Hs added, "then you should've brought better condoms." Damien joked as he leaned against the tree facing randy.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "No one is ever ready to be a parent, randy." He sighed ,"you should talk with Rowan first."

"You think she's gonna be pissed?" Randy questioned, "oh, if she was pregnant than she knows already. I think Bode is gonna be pissed." Damien let out a small laugh

"Not helping dude."Randy groaned and Damien chuckled before he frowned. "Hey, can I tell you something?"

"Sure." Damien glanced over at the group seeing how happy they were.

"I'm leaving woodsboro." Silence was all that came afterward.

"What?" Randy asked, his eyes slightly going wide. Damien sighed ,"well, you know when I was spending time at home because of you know..I um..I kinda graduated highschool already."

"You what?"

Damien rubbed the back of his neck, "I already talked with my dad about it. I'm gonna try and find myself before college."

"When are you leaving?" Randy questioned,"right after Rowans birthday." Damien replied

"Billy and stu aren't going to take it well."Randy told him ,"I think they're gonna understand that I wanna find myself before going to college."Damien told him

"Those two understand? Ha, you have better luck with a bunny than those two." Randy chuckled ,

"I'm really gonna miss you, damie."
- -
Damien was nervous to tell Billy and Stu. He was pacing around his room, waiting for them to arrive.

"Hey!" Stu greeted, walking into the room smiling at Damien. Billy walked in closing the door behind him. "Hey, you wanted to talk to us?" Billy questioned.

Damien cleared his throat, "I'm just gonna come out and say it." Billy and stu just stared at him.

"I'm leaving woodsboro after Rowans birthday." He blurted out. Billy and stu continued to stare at him.

Stu let out a small laugh ,"nice fucking joke, damie." Damien sighed ,"I'm not joking, stu. I want to find myself and I can't do it in woodsboro."

"You're not fucking leaving, Damien." Billy told him, "yeah, I can actually, billy."

"I already talked to my dad and he gave me permission to go plus I already graduated since they let me take the exams early since I was dying and I didn't want to die without graduating high school." Damien told him

Billy scoffed ,"then we're coming with you."

"You can't. You two haven't graduated high school, yet." Damien told them ,"fuck school. We don't need it." Stu said

"Well, what about when I return and go to college? You two need to graduate and go to college with me." Damien told them

Billy looked down at the floor while stu frowned. "You're gonna come back, right?" Stu questioned

"Yeah, of course I am." Damien told them with a smile, "how can I leave you two for so long."

Stu wrapped his arms around Damien, kissing the top of his head. "You better come back."

Billy pulled Damien into a hug after stu pulled away ,"or else, we'll have to hunt you down and kill you." He whispered into Damien's ear.

Billy was holding him tight and Damien swore his bones were gonna crush.

"I promise, I'm coming back, guys." Damien told them ,"it's just two months that's all." He added

"Two months without you is fucking hell for us." Stu told him and Damien raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure you can manage."

"Can we stay with you tonight?" Stu questioned and Damien nodded, running his hand through Billy's hair. Billy doesn't want to let Damien go at all.

"Yeah. You guys can stay however long you like."
Word count - 864

Hope you enjoy!

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