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DAMIEN WAS A HYPOCRITE, and he knew it. He knew what his mother did and he went and did the same thing.

So, what if Sidney cheated on Billy first? So, what if Tatum cheated as well. That didn't extacly give Damien the right to have sex with Billy and Stu. Yet, Damien couldn't stop thinking about it.

He also couldn't stop thinking about how Billy killed his own father. Nobody knew other than Damien, of course.

Everyone was just thought it was a home invasion gone wrong. Nobody was sad about hank dying.

Nancy loomis only came back for the funeral but then she left. She left Billy again. Billy didn't care much since he got to stay with his uncle Bode and his cousin Rowan, who has been acting off lately.

Billy, though has been acting as a grieving son. So, he wasn't around much. Stu, on the other hand was around Damien a lot, more than usual.

Stu's been clinging to Damien, and Damien was pretty sure it was because his and Sidney's birthday is in two days.

He guessed that stu has been afraid that Damien might die at any minute. Damien wasn't going to die without a fight.

Damien was currently in the boys locker room. He was being soaked under the showers by Jonah, Marcus, and Conrad.

Being unable to breathe without an oxygen tank doesn't stop those three from bullying Damien. Damien guessed, he had it coming anyway.

He has what people call a 'trashy mouth' . He says things that make people mad and beat him up.

Jonah, Marcus and Conrad were picking on some freshmen and well, Damien couldn't stand by and let it happen.

It's how he ended up in the boys locker room, in the showers getting drenched by really cold water.

"I..I think I had enough of this cold shower!" Damien shivered , "fine! Then have a hot one!" Marcus turned on the hot water.

"Shit! I think I prefer the cold shower!" Damien tried to get away but Jonah and Conrad were holding him back. 

"Guys, come on...the..the steam...I can't..I can't breathe..." Damien told them, breathing heavily

"Shit, what do we do!?" Conrad questioned, "let him go and pass him the tank!" Marcus ordered and Damien fell to the ground.

"Here." Damien shakily took the mask and put it on himself. "I'm good." He gave the three a thumbs up.

"Come on, let's go." Marcus said and soon the three left. Damien sighed, removing the mask.

"Guess watching Billy act really pays off." He mumbled to himself as he stood up.

"Great, I'm soaked." Damien walked out of the showers. He walked out the locker room before walking out of the school.

"Damien!" He looked up and saw stu running towards him with a worried look. Behind him was Max and Rowan.

"What the fuck happened to you? Did you take a dive in the swimming pool?" Max questioned

Damien shivered, "oh, well..you see, I kinda did. I was near the swimming pool-"

"Why?" Stu cut him off, and Damien bit his lip, "well, shirtless guys."

"Yeah, okay perv, what happened?" Max asked, "I um..I was actually looking for something, when I slipped and fell into the pool." Damien said

"Your skin is red." Stu pointed out, gently grabbing Damien's arm. "Right, why don't you stop lying and actually tell us the truth." Rowan told him.

"I'm not lying." Damien scoffed , shivering and stu took off his jacket and wrapped it around Damien. Damien smiled at him and stu smiled back at him.

"You have this tell, Damien. Everyone does. Yours just happens to be lip biting." Rowan told him ,"and don't try denying it. My dad trained me."

"It's okay, damie. You can tell us." Stu told him and Damien sighed. "Fine but don't tell my dad, alright? I promised him that I was going to stay out of trouble-"

"Yet, you get on Dewey's nerves everyday. " Max interrupted ,"well, we all grieve in different ways. Mine just happens to be doing reckless shit and getting on Dewey's nerves." Damien told her

"Anyways, Jonah, Marcus and Conrad were bullying this freshman and I just couldn't stand by and do nothing." He added

"What did they do to you?" Stu questioned, "they took me to the boys bathroom and gave me cold showers and a hot shower."

"Those bastards." Stu growled out ,"can one of you just take me home? I'm like really cold." Damien asked

"I'll take you home. I have to talk to you anyway." Max told him and Damien nodded.

"You coming stu?" Damien questioned and stu shook his head. "I promised Billy that I stopped by after school. Rowans driving me. Get home safe, I'll call you later, okay?"

Damien smiled and nodded ,"okay." Stu watched as Damien and Max walked away.

Billy's gonna be pissed when he finds out what happened to Damien. Stu's gonna have the time of his life killing Jonah, Marcus and Conrad. 
Word count - 842

Hope you enjoy!

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