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BILLY COULD ONLY STARE at Damien. "The day my mom died..I um..I caught her cheating with your dad..I was going to take her home but hank..he..well..he beat me up." Damien explained

"That fucking bastard!" Billy growled out as he stood up and started to pace around.

"This is why you didn't want to tell us." Stu said, "you should've told me sooner!" Billy said, slightly glaring at Damien

"And what? Leave you without your dad? My family has ruined your family already, billy." Damien told him

"My mom and your dad cheated which resulted in your mom leaving, Billy. I just..I couldn't take another parent from you." He added

"You're dying because of my dad!" Billy yelled, "my dad could've killed you, Damien! Don't you get that!? I don't care about my dad! I care about you!"

Damien looked down at the floor. Stu gently lifted his head, light brown eyes meet blue eyes.

"You don't have to worry anymore, Damien. Billy might not have his parents but he has us." Stu told him , Damien frowned, but he didn't say anything.

Billy and stu shared a look before they both looked at Damien. "Uncle Bode been a better father to me than my own dad." Billy said sitting down next to Damien.

"You don't have to worry about my dad, anymore or me, okay?" Billy told him ,"it's hard not worrying for you." Damien mumbled as he took a deep breath.

"I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." He added before he laid down facing away from billy and stu.

Stu laid down behind him, wrapping his arms around him. Billy sighed before lying down, staring at the ceiling in deep thought.
- -
After Damien had fallen asleep and the boys made sure that he had his oxygen mask on. They left.

Billy twirled a knife in hand , staring at it. He thought about how it would look stained with his father's blood. He couldn't stop thinking about it.

"You call him. I'll kill him." Billy said, turning his head to look at stu. "You sure about this, Billy?"

"Yeah. I'm fucking sure." Billy snuck inside his own house while stu took out the cellular phone calling hank's phone number.



"Who is this? And what do you want?"

"I know your secret."

"Right. Ha, ha, very funny."

"Funny? What's funny is that I'm going to gut you like a fish for what you did and nobody is going to give a shit about you."

"Fuck you,kid!" Stu growled in annoyance and anger as hank hung up. He called again and waited.

It rang and it rang and it rang until hank finally picked up again. "Listen you little shi-"

"No! You listen you fucking old bastard! You hang up on me again and I'll fucking kill your kid!"

"What the fuck do you want!?"

"Me? I want you to suffer for what you did. You were the root of every fucking problem. You ruined your own family by sleeping with that slut Maureen presccot."

"How..how do you know that?"

"I know everything. Like, how you beat up Damien prescott. Say, did you felt powerful in that moment? Huh? Did it make you feel good to beat up a sixteen year kid!? Did you feel bad after learning that the kid you beat has to carry an oxygen tank?"

"That little shit had it coming!"

"Ha, ha, had it coming, huh?"

"Those are the words, I'm going to put in your fucking grave stone!"

"He had it coming."

Billy watched as his father talked with stu on the phone, distracting him. Billy slowly walked towards him. His grip on the knife tight.

Billy raised the knife before stabbing hank in the back. Hank cried out in pain, dropping the phone as he fell to the floor.

Billy kicked him in the stomach, hard enough to make hank throw up blood. Hank groaned and billy got on top of him.

"No, please! I have..I have a kid! Please..he needs me!" Hank pleaded and billy glared at him before removing his mask.

"B..billy?" Billy held the knife against hank's throat. "You think I need you?" Billy laughed

"I don't fucking need you! You..you drove mom away! Damien is slowly dying because of you!" Billy spat out

"I don't need you and I will never fucking need you." He added before he lifted the knife and stabbed hank over and over and over again.

Killing hank felt satisfying. Billy let out a small chuckle before he stood up putting the mask back on before he left the house.

It was done. Hank loomis was dead and now all they had to do is wait to see if Damien was next.
Word count - 802

Hope you enjoy!

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