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DAMIEN FELT better than before. He didn't need the oxygen tanks anymore, and it was like his life was slowly turning back to normal.

Billy and stu have been more protective than usual. They probably still thought that Damien was going to die at any minute. He wasn't, but that didn't stop Billy and stu protecting him from everything and everyone.

Damien even started playing basketball again. He was currently at the schools gym, throwing a basketball into the net.

It's been a year since he last played baseball. He was a little rusty, but nothing a few practices could fix.

"What are you doing, damie?" Slightly startled, Damien looked behind him, relaxing as he saw stu.

"Basketball." Damien replied, "Shouldn't you be taking it easy?" Stu questioned, snatching the ball from Damien.

"What? No way! I'm getting my life back, I'm not just gonna take it easy." Damien told him, trying to grab the ball, but stu held it up high out of Damiens reach.

"Stu, give me the ball back." Damien said, slightly glaring at stu. "What crawled up your butt?" Stu questioned, and Damien sighed

"I'm just tired of everyone telling me to take it easy. I've been taking it easy for a whole year. I just want to get my old life back." Damien said

"You died, Damien, for five minutes and fifteen seconds. So, give the people who love you a little break, okay? We're just worried about you, that's all." Stu told him

"I get that, I really do, but I just can't take it easy anymore. We have a few more months before we graduate and.." Damien trailed. "And?" Stu asked

Damien shook his head, "nothing. You wouldn't understand. Give me the ball back."

Stu scoffed ,"As if." Stu twirled the ball, smirking down at Damien. "If I score, you'll take it easy from now on and listen to whatever I say."

Damien crossed his arms, looking up at stu. "If you score , I'll take it easy until graduation." Stu leaned down, his face inches away from Damiens.

"That's a promise?" He questioned his eyes, flicking to Damien's soft lips. "Yeah, it's a promise, but only if you score." Damien told him

Stu smirked before he placed his lips on Damien's. Damien slightly pushed him back, "You're still with Tatum."

Stu chuckled ,"You weren't saying that when I was fucking you." Damien blushed before he rolled his eyes

"Shut up and throw the ball stu." Damien told him and stu let out a small laugh before he stood up straighter.

"Just watch as your master scores." Damien huffed, shaking his head, but he couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face.

"Whoo!" Stu cheered as he scored. He turned and faced Damien with a smirk. "A promise is a promise, damie."

Damien chuckled ,"Yeah, I guess so." Stu smiled, throwing an arm over Damien's shoulder, pulling him close.

"Come on, let's get out of here. Get something to eat." Stu told him, "I want an ice cream milkshake." Damien told him, and stu smiled

"I'll buy you whatever you want." Damien raised an eyebrow, "anything I want?" Stu nodded ,"uh-huh."

"Then I want the greasy hamburger ever." Damien said ,"and damage your heart? No way." Stu shook his head, and Damien looked up with ,"but you said that you would buy me anything I want, and I want a greasy hamburger."

"Fine,I'll buy you one greasy hamburger." Damien smiled ,"You're the best."

Stu smirked, "I know." Damien laughed, shaking his head before he backed up ." The last one to the diner is a rotten egg." He said before he ran off

"Hey! You had a head start!"
Word count - 620

Hope you enjoy!

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