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DAMIEN SIGHED in boredom as he waited for ghostface to show but they haven't shown up yet and he was starting to lose hope that they were going to show up.

"They're not coming." He groaned out as he turned around to face Randy and Max.

"Not with that attitude." Max told him, and Damien rolled his eyes. "Help! Somebody! Please help me!"

Damien eyes widened as the voice screaming for help sounded familiar. "That's-" Max started

"Christina." Damien ran towards the screaming. "Christina!"

"Damien! Help me!" Damien heart was thumping loudly in his chest as he pushed open a door and he froze.

Christina was laying on the ground, covered in blood, sobbing. A few feet away from her laid her boyfriend who was being stabbed by Ghoshface.

Ghostface looked at Damien lifting the knife showing that blood. As if he was taunting him.

"Damien!" Ghostface rushed off as they heard Randy's and Max voice ,"Call an ambulance!" Damien shouted as he kneeled down beside Christina.

He took off his jacket and put it over her wound ,"The..the baby...oh god...my baby.." she sobbed out

"Hey, hey, chrisy, look at me sweetheart." Christina looked at Damien, "she's gonna be okay, I promise you. You and your baby are gonna be okay."

Christina sobbed, "you will take care of her?" Damien nodded ,"I will sweetheart. So, you have to hold on okay? Just hold on for her."

Christina nodded, crying and Damien hands shook , in fear, in anger. He was going to find that bastard and kill them for attacking Christina.

- -

The ambulance arrived in matter of minutes and they took Christina away. Damien didn't leave her side until they took Christina into surgery.

He paced around the waiting room waiting. He hated waiting. The anxiety that built inside of him was ready to burst and all he wanted to do was have a small breakdown.

"Damien!" Randy, Max along with Billy and Stu rushed over. "Are you hurt?" Billy questioned and Damien shook his head.

"No, it's Christina. It's her blood." Damien told him ,"how is she?" Randy asked

"In surgery. They haven't told me anything since I'm not family." Damien replied

"Why don't you sit down? "Stu suggested and Damien nodded. He sat down but his left leg wouldn't stop bouncing up and down in an anxious way.

Billy, stu, randy and Max sat with him. Nobody said anything as they waited on news on Christina.

Minutes turned into hours and Christina's doctor finally walked out.

"How is she?" Damien questioned, standing up. The doctor sighed ,"I'm sorry but your friend didn't make it."

Damien felt tears in his eyes and his throat ached as he held back his sobs ,"w - what- what about the baby?"

"In critical condition but I have hope that she will make a full recovery and will be able to leave the hospital in a couple of months." The doctor told him before walking away.

"Damie?" Damien let out a sob, falling to knees. Billy and stu were quick to comfort him.

- -

Damien looked down at the small baby girl. "We haven't named her yet." A nurse spoke up and Damien looked at her.

"Samantha, her name is Samantha loomis." Damien told her , "Are you her father?" Damien shook his head ,"No, my boyfriend is." The nurse kindly but sadly smiled.

"I'm sorry about your friend." Damien gave her a small smile before the nurse walked out.

It wasn't until a second later that billy walked in. "Hey." Billy stood beside him, looking down at the baby.

"She's beautiful." Billy whispered, "she's your daughter." Billy looked at him, "what?"

"Christina told me. The two of you slept together. She's yours, Billy." Damien told him ,"you knew this whole time and you're barely telling me?" Billy questioned

"I promised chrisy that I wouldn't tell you. She was going to tell you after Samantha was born." Damien said, wiping a tear that fell from his eye.

"Samantha. That's why you asked us about what we thought about kids and if we had any names." Billy said and Damien nodded

"I don't think I'm ready to be a dad, yet." Billy mumbled. "I'll be there with you and so will stu." Damien told him

"I promise chrisy that I would take care of her daughter and I will." Billy looked down at Samantha.

"Our daughter."

Word count - 734

Hope you enjoy!

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