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Maya hawke as Maxine "Max" Macher
Age - 17

Maya hawke as Maxine "Max" Macher Age - 17

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"My brother is a hopeless idiot."

IT'S BEEN HALF A YEAR since the murder of Maureen presccot. Half year since Damien has to carry a oxygen tank in his school bag.

He hated it but if he wanted to live, he needed it. Many doctors had told him that he wasn't gonna live to see his eighteen birthday. He obviously didn't care but everyone else did.

They treat him as he was made out of glass or something. Like he was going to break the second they touched him. Damien was tough and he wasn't going to break or die.

He was going to make sure that he'll live to see his eighteen birthday but with the way he's been acting lately. Well, what the doctors say might come true.

Damien was currently digging through his locker. Maxine "max" macher was leaning against the locker next to him.

"What are you looking for?" Max questioned, "my will to live." Damien joked, smiling at her

"Can you find mine? I've seemed to have lost it during freshman year." Max replied and Damien chuckled.

"I can't find my math homework." Damien told her, "did you check the green folder?" Max asked and Damien nodded ,"yep."

The bell rang and Damien sighed closing his locker shut. "I probably left it home."he said

"You? leave homework at home?"Max looked at him in disbelief. "Well, to be fair. I kinda did almost died this morning, again." Damien told her as they started to walk to class.

"And your dad let you go to school?" Max asked with a raised eyebrow, "well, um..I kinda didn't tell him that I almost died this morning." Damien said

"You what?" Both teens turned around and see Billy Loomis. He was staring at Damien, "it's not a big deal. I'm fine." Damien said

"You almost dying is a big deal." Billy snapped but all Damien did was roll his eyes. Ever since Damien got beat up and had his lungs damage. Billy has been overprotective with him.

"You shouldn't even be in school." He added, "but I am and I'm going to be in school until I graduate." Damien replied

"You'll probably be dead before you graduate." Billy mumbled ,and Damien huffed, "well,I'm taking my chances."

"Billy, don't you have a girlfriend to bother?" Max questioned and billy tsk, "No. I'm walking Damien to his class. Unless he decides to die in the middle of the hallway that's isn't going to change." Billy said

"You never walk Sidney to class." Damien pointed out, "she's not the one almost dying every five seconds." Billy told him

"But she's your girlfriend." Damien agrued ,"and? I'm walking you to class. End of discussion." Billy said, glaring at him.

"You keep glaring like that and it's gonna get permanently stuck on your face." Damien said ,"good. People annoy me." Was Billy's reply before he gestured for Damien to walk.

Damien sighed before started walking towards his class. "You should break up with Sidney and confess your undying love for Damien before it's too late." Max told billy

"I don't know what you're talking about." Billy told her, rolling his eyes , "uh-huh. You rather walk Damien to his class than his sister who is your girlfriend. You are way more protective and possessive over Damien than Sidney. I'm pretty sure, that I'm the only one that noticed it." Max said, with a small grin.

"You and my brother are so obvious." Max said before she walked into class. Damien took a deep breath as billy sat down next to him.

"You okay? Are you having trouble breathing?" Billy questioned, concerned

Damien smiled at him ,"I'm fine." Billy looked at him in disbelief before sighing.

"Why can't you just tell me who did it?" Damien smile turned into a frown. "Doesn't matter anymore, billy. It was half a year ago."

Billy clenched his fist. All he wanted to do was find whoever did that to Damien and kill them.

No one gets away with hurting Damien. No one.
Word count - 698

Hope you enjoy!

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