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Christina carpenter played by mila Kunis
Age - 18

"Billy loomis is a man whore but he's hot, so I don't regret having sex with him

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"Billy loomis is a man whore but he's hot, so I don't regret having sex with him."

CHRISTINA CARPENTER was Damien's friend. They sat together during second period. They just haven't talked to each other in the last couple of months. The two were busy with their own lives.

It wasn't until one Monday morning that Christina pulled Damien into an empty classroom during lunch time.

"Chrisy, you know I'm not into girls." Damien told her and she rolled her eyes ,"I'm pregnant."

"I'm not the father." Damien chuckled ,"who's the unfortunate soul?" He questioned.

Christina bit her lip, "Billy Loomis." Damien just stared at her. "What?"

Christina sighed ,"I know that Billy loomis is a man whore but he's hot and I don't regret having sex with him."

"When..when..um..when did you sleep with him?" Damien questioned, "three weeks ago." Christina replied

"Three weeks ago? You slept with Billy? Oh my god. Billy's such a man whore." Damien grumbled

"Wait.." Christina trailed off before she gasped ,"did you sleep with him as well!?" Damien blushed

"I have regrets." Damien mumbled and Christina laughed and Damien crossed his arms. "Shut up."

"Oh my god! We both slept with your sisters boyfriend but only one of us ended up pregnant." Christina laughed, "oh my god this is so funny."

Damien chuckled, "so, are you going to tell him?" Christina stopped laughing. She shook her head ,"No. I have my own boyfriend and he thinks it's his kid."

Damien frowned, "do you feel guilty? I mean, I feel guilty whenever I see Sidney and Billy together."

"Sometimes I do." Christina told him, "why are you telling me this?" Damien questioned

"I needed someone to tell and you seem like the type of guy who can keep a secret." She replied, and he sighed.

Damien sat down on one of the desk opening his lunchbox. "Sandwich?" Christina smiled and took half a sandwich.

"Thanks." Damien settled his lunchbox in front of them. He bit into his sandwich.

"Can i tell you something?" Damien questioned and Christina nodded, "yeah."

"I think I'm in love with Stu and Billy." Damien confessed, "As in Stu Macher and Billy Loomis?" Damien nodded chuckling.

"Yeah, my best friend brother and my sisters boyfriend. We had sex..the three of us. Stu kissed me plenty of times and Billy's been way more protective over me." Damien told her , glancing at her as she opened a bag of potato chips.

"You had sex with them at the same time? Or one by one?" Christina questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

"At the same time." Christina chuckled ,"Lucky you."

"Tell me did they feel amazing?" Damien rolled his eyes, blushing ,"shut up." She laughed

"So, is that when you learned you were in love with them or just the beginning?" She questioned and Damien shrugged.

"I guess I learned that I was in love with them." Christina frowned, "I'm sorry for sleeping with Billy. If I had known that you loved him,I wouldn't have slept with him." Damien shrugged.

"It doesn't matter. Billy and I aren't together." He told her as the Bell rang. He stood up collecting his stuff.

"Hey, chrisy." She hummed and he grinned at her ,"you should've made him wear a condom." She laughed

"I know right!?" Damien laughed ,"I'll see you around." With that, Damien walked out of the classroom.

"Yo! Damie!" Stu called out, pushing people out of his way as he walked over to him with Billy following closely behind.

"We were looking for you everywhere!" Stu exclaimed ,"where the fuck were you? You were supposed to meet us outside." Billy questioned

"I uh..I just needed some time alone, that's all." Damien lied, chuckling

"Everything okay?" Stu asked looking down at Damien with concern.

"Oh, yeah! Definitely. Let's head to class before we're late." Damien told them before he started to walk away.

"He's hiding something." Stu mumbled and Billy hummed, "yeah, he is. Come on."

Stu caught up with Damien first and wrapped his arms around him swaying their bodies side to side.

"Lunch was so boring without you!" Stu complained, "tough shit." Damien said, and stu laughed , his arms tightening.

"Just tell us next time, alright?" Billy asked and Damien nodded.

Word count - 725

Hope you enjoy!

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