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IT'S BEEN A WEEK since Damien arrived at the college and he has been an absolute menace. It wasn't that he didn't like college because he did but during his high school year, he couldn't do much since he was practically dying every second.

So, college was his chance to cause some chaos and make teachers hate him by any means necessary. Of course, his partners in crime are Billy and Stu who haven't left his side since he came back.

He liked Billy's and Stu's company plus he finally figured out his feelings for them when he was away.

He loved them. He loved both Billy and Stu. He wanted to be with them but he wanted to take things slow.

Damien also made new friends, like Mickey altieri who was his roommate in the dorm rooms. Derek Feldman who was a nice guy and hallie, a friend of Sidney's and Tatum.

Damien was currently sleeping in his bed. He laid on his stomach, one arm hanging off the bed while the other was under him.

Mickey altieri stood beside the bed looking down at the sleeping man. He leaned down, "Damien!"

He backed up with a grin as Damien was startled awake ,"shit!" Damien fell off the bed landing on the floor with a thud.

"Ow. What the hell mickey!" Mickey laughed ,"You're gonna be late." He told him and Damien groaned.

"Why can't you just wake me up like a normal person?" Damien questioned as he stood up.

"I'm not a normal person, damie." Mickey told him as he turned on his camera.

"Hey! It's mickey here. I think you all know my roommate, Damien prescott or better known as the menace of Windsor college." Mickey spoke into the camera.

"Mickey, it's only five in the morning. Why did you wake me up so early?" Damien groaned after he looked at the clock.

"Right, I woke him up an hour before his first class starts. Look, he's shirtless."mickey pointed the camera at Damien.

"Dude! I'm practically naked!" Damien grabbed a shirt from the floor and put it down.

"Nice , that's my shirt." Mickey told him and Damien rolled his eyes ,"at least it's clean." He said before he sniffled it

"Yeah, it's clean." Mickey laughed ,"this is our morning! And about five seconds, Damien's lover's, Billy loomis and Stu Macher will be walking through that door."

"They're not my lover's. We're not together!" Damien said into the camera as he walked around grabbing his own clothes.

Otto laid on mickey's bed snoring. Just as mickey said, Billy and Stu walked into the room.

"Look! The tops are here!cause we all know Damien ain't a top." Damien grabbed a shirt and threw it at mickey who laughed.

"Who's he talking to?" Stu questioned, "his camera. He's gonna upload the video later on the internet." Damien replied

"I'll break it if you don't get it out of my face." Billy threatened, "Billy here is very aggressive and a total asshole. Stu on the hand is less of an asshole but still an asshole. "Stu raised his hand and flicked him off, sticking his tongue out.

"Billy plays football, while stu plays hockey, he used to play football but changed as well as changed his style. He wasn't a punk before. Damien plays basketball."

"Since when did you get a tongue priecing?" He asked, "since last night." Stu replied

"Also stu's a switch." Billy smirked and stu blushed ,

"shut up."
- -
Max stared at Damien as he looked down at his watch as if he waiting for someone or something to happen.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "What did you do?" Damien smiled, "You're about to find out. Just watch the football players. " Max curiously looked over at the huge field and the sprinklers turned on.

"That's the best you got?" Damien chuckled , "just keep watching." Max  looked over and laughed as the football players were now colorful.

"Not my best prank but hey, at least those guys are gonna be very colorful for the next week." Damien laughed as he backed up.

"I'm leaving the scene of the crime." Max watched as Damien ran off. She shook her head, chuckling.
Word count - 706

Hope you enjoy!

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