Chapter 2 Meeting the crew

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Y/n pov

As I finally knew where I was going many things crossed my mind, after all I have been gone for a while. Would people recognize me after so long. Do I hold the same influence I had so long ago. If I use the demons who attacked me as a reference it's possible that I am not known anymore.

Y/n: "This may cause some issues, but then again many songs come from problems and experiences with hardships"

I spoke to myself as I approach the hotel but what I wasn't expecting to see was some kind of airship being destroyed by some black tentacles. I simply paused watching the destruction with a blank expression honestly not sure what I should do or say, however whoever was responsible for this felt familiar in a way.

After the destruction of the airship I was rather hesitant to actually go to the hotel but not due to fear, it was more due to me not wanting to repeat what happened in the ally. Blood is quite difficult to get out of clothes you know. 

Approaching the doors I make myself somewhat presentable before giving a small knock. 

After a moment the door opens and I'm met with the sight of none other then the princess of hell herself.

Y/n: "Hel-"

She then closed the door in my face

Nobody pov

On the other side of the door Chrilie would have her back to the door while in a slight panic. 

Charlie: "Vaggie, we have a guest for the hotel the first one besides angel!" she squealed happily

Vaggie: "What are you serious, where are they?"

Charlie then had a moment of realization that she just shut the door on there first guest. Returning to the door she quickly opens it with a slightly nervous smile.

Y/n: "Excuse me but am i right in assuming this the happy hotel?"

Charlie: "Yes it is, welcome please come in"

Stepping to the side the man enters while taking a look around. 

Charlie: "Welcome to the happy hotel, if your here you must wanna change your judgement. Once we have you checked in we can work on a plan for you"

Y/n: "Actually i'm not here for that."

Charlie looks at the man a bit disappointed

Charlie: "Oh... Then why are you here?"

Y/n: "Simple really" he looks at one of the walls dragging his hand down the wallpaper "inspiration, I have been lacking in inspiration for a very very very long time. But then I saw you on the television and herd your song and lets just say you've caught my attention"

Charlie: "My song?, so you do think its possible to rehabilitate a demon?" she looked at him a bit hopeful

Y/n: "That's hard to say, i've never seen it done before in all my years here. But anyone who puts so much emotion into music has my support."

Charlie: "Oh okay then but one more question, who are you?"

Y/n: "You may call me Y/n, those close to me always do and if i'm helping you it makes things much easier"

Charlie: "Okay Y/n, wait working together?"

Y/n: "Indeed, I didn't come here just for a chat. Like I said i'm looking for inspiration and helping with this hotel seems to be a nice way to get some"

Charlie: "So your almost here for just some entertainment...." she looks down remembering another demon who came aloud for the same

Y/n: "Not at all, I will assist in any way you wish. Tell me have you thought about some entertainment for the hotel, if you haven't I could be just what your looking for."

The Music Demon (Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now