Chapter 17 The Film (18+)

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(An: The fallowing chapter contains adult themes and subject matters such as sex and sexual violence. Those depicted are 18+ and if you wish to skip the chapter nobody would blame you as aside from being referenced it will not have that big of an impact on the story)

Today we open up to a limousine's interior as it shows Y/n sitting across from Valentino along with two of his girls Dia and Summer. 

Valentino: "So Y/n, are you ready for today's filming" he smiled at the Music demon "I trust you looked over the script?"

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Valentino: "So Y/n, are you ready for today's filming" he smiled at the Music demon "I trust you looked over the script?"

Y/n: "Indeed I have, I will say it's much tamer then I would have imagined from you" he holds up the script

Valentino: "Yes that's what I thought too so we made a few small changes"

Taking a drag off his cigarette he blows out pink smoke that floats over to the script changing several parts. Y/n looks over at Valentino seeing him grin before looking over the script once more and narrowing his eyes. 

Valentino: "Hope you don't mind~"

Y/n: sending him a slight hateful glare "No, not at all. This is all so I can regain some territory after all. To me this is nothing but business." (Him doing something like this is to be expected but annoying none the less)

Valentino: "Oh don't give me that look, how about you blow off some steam?" 

He looks to Summer gesturing to the music demon causing her to go over to him on her knees and reach for his pants zipper. Before she even touches him Y/n quickly grabs her hands keeping them away. 

Y/n: "That will not be necessary, unlike you I prefer my partners to be more willing"

Valentino simply lets out a chuckle hearing this 

Valentino: "You kidding me, when it got out that you would be staring in my next film most of my actors practically begged to be in it. These two are no acceptation, the music demon doing an adult film? That news alone get's most freaks wet and hard"

The music demon simply lets out a small sigh looking over the new script for the remainder of the ride. 

(Time skip)

Eventually they make it to Valentino's studio and head inside. Y/n was quickly taken to a makeup chair to get him ready for the camera while he continued speaking to Valentino. 

Y/n: "Valentino, I know you said many of your actors wanted to join the film with me but you haven't told me who my actual costar will be"

Valentino: "Costar?" he chuckles "I think you mean costars, plural. Two girls, one isn't even one of mine but she will defiantly bring in some profits, succubi normally do but she is more known~"

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