Chapter 11 Overlords meeting

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You know what time it is, it's original chapter time! The start of this chapter may include some darker things such as torture and violence. If these things make you feel uncomfortable feel free to skip the chapter. With that said I hope you all enjoy and I will see you all at the end.


Shortly after the events of Loo Loo Land Y/n paid a visit to Stella in regards to her behavior and treatment of Stola. 

The camera pans around the room seeing many things damaged or destroyed as the sound of someone groaning in pain is herd. A shadow cast on a wall from a fireplace showing one figure kicking another on the ground. As the camera moves it shows Y/n standing over Stella who is beaten badly with blood going down her lip and her dress being ripped and tattered in places.

Y/n: "You know it's been a while since i've had to do something like this...."

He brings his foot back kicking Stella in the stomach before stomping on her leg causing a cracking sound to come form it. Meanwhile Stella cries out in pain with tears going down her cheeks. 

Y/n: "I normally employ a carrot and stick method and start with the carrot... but no, with you the stick is necessary"

Walking to the side of Stella he uses his foot to turn her on her back and step on her stomach as he leans down. 

Y/n: "My only question is, how long do I use it for? Have you learned your lesson.... my dear?"

Stella looks up at the overlord still weeping a bit as he speaks through sobs. 

Stella: "Y-yes.... I learned my lesson... please, stop..."

Y/n: "Really, have you?"

Stella nodded as Y/n looked into her eyes seeing the fear within her. 

Y/n: "Very well, but to ensure you don't get any kind of funny ideas I think i'll leave you with a parting gift"

Raising his hand up, music notes form and condense in his palm forming a long rod with a music note at the end. As his hand grips the newly formed rod it slowly gains a red and orange glow to it. 

Y/n: "Consider yourself special, I don't normally do this for just anyone"

Reaching down he pulls down the top of Stella's dress enough to show her collar bone. With it exposed he presses the end of the rod to her collar, the scent of burning feathers and flesh start to fill the room as Stella tries to struggle away from the pain but with Y/n's food on her stomach and the pressure he puts on the rod it keeps her in place. 

After a moment or two Y/n pulls the rod away showing a music note brand where it once was. The brand giving off a dark reddish black glow, Y/n looks to his inner arm moving a hand over all of the previous music notes making them disappear as a new red one forms. 

Y/n: "Forcing my mark on others is something I try to avoid but when time calls for it, I have no issues doing just that. Let's see if it's fully working now"

Pressing on the red music note on his arm Stella felt an intense pain where her brand was making her place a hand over it and screaming out until Y/n stops pressing. 

Y/n: "Good, now remember, my dear. Any time I think you are up to no good I will have to punish you, but if you are good then you get rewarded." his music note eyes look down at her "U̶̱̹̔̏̿ņ̶͙̭͈͐̌̿͝ḑ̷̡̰̪̒̿̒̈́͂e̵̹̯̘͚͋̕r̸̨͔̪͉͑̕ś̴̹̜̕ẗ̷̤̦͙͍̥́a̷̧̜͍̾͝n̷͕̜͙͕̄͜ḑ̸̟̜͒̊ͅ!̴̢͍̥̟̄̍̑"

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