Chapter 3

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The fallowing morning Y/n would slowly start to wake up feeling some morning light pass through his windows onto his face. Letting out a tired groan he rolls on his side putting an arm around the one next to him.... wait a sec. 

Y/n: opening his eyes he sees a figure under some blankets next to him (I clearly remember going to bed alone last night...) pulling the blankets away he sees the one laying at his side. "Alastra what are you doing?"

Alastra: she shivers from the sudden lack of a blanket as she opens her eyes "What's wrong, I thought you enjoyed having me by your side at night~"

Y/n rolled his eyes before suddenly shifting his position getting over Alastra looking into her eyes. This causes the Radio demon to blush deeply with her usual ever-present simile.

Y/n: "Can't say it's an welcomed surprise just unexpected, little doe~"

(Slight Fluff/NSFW ahead)

Leaning in he locks lips with the radio demon as the two start to make out. Y/n's hands move cupping Alastra's cheek while he intensifies the kiss. After a few moments the two part leaving a thin string of saliva connecting the two. 

Y/n: "I suppose I have been neglecting you for some time, but remember my dear"

The hand on her cheek moves some hair away from the side of her head, just behind where a normal human ear would be is a music note brand. 

Y/n: "You are mine~"

Alastar: letting out a small giggle "Yes I know~"

Smiling the Music demons leans back in continuing the make out session. The two overlords would also get a bit hands on with one another even doing a bit of heavy petting. 

Although this moment was great they knew it had to end short of any real fun. Parting once more the radio demon looked down seeing a certain part of her partner had defiantly woken up.

Alastra: "Someone seems happy to see me~"

Y/n: "Perhaps, but we have more important things to tend to. Maybe later I'll show you some more special attention"

(Fluff/ NSFW end. I know it's not that good but i'm still new at this) 

Getting out of bed the two demons get dressed and ready for the day. Exiting the room they head to the main foyer of the hotel where they meet up with Charlie who see's them. 

Charlie: "Y/n, Alastra good morning"

Y/n: "Morning charlie, hope you had a good night's rest"

Charlie: "I did thanks for asking"

Y/n: "Good because we have a lot of work to do. I have a few ideas I'd like to implement. First is a tier system."

Charlie: "A what?"

Y/n: "Simply put its a way to get people into the hotel while also gaining a bit of revenue. You see not everyone here may want to redeem themselves but it doesn't mean we cant take their money so we can help others who do. To start we can have three basic tiers, first tier is for those only staying for only a few nights like new arrivals who need a place to stay while they adjust to hell. Second is for extended stays, those who want to actually live at the hotel if they wish but they will have rules that prohibit sinning activity as to not influence those on tier three. Tier three is for those who want to actually be redeemed, they will go on a custom program to help redeem their sins in life."

Alastra: "You seem to have given this some real thought, darling"

Y/n: "You know better then anyone that when i'm involved I give it my all, even if its something I don't personally agree with"

The Music Demon (Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now