Chapter 15 Meeting the parents

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We open up to Charlie, Vaggie and Y/n all seated in the back of a limbo. Y/n would be sitting across from the two girls as they all sit in silence. Letting out a sigh Y/n breaks the silence. 

Y/n: "So my dears, tell me again how this all happend?"

Charlie runs her fingers though her hair nervously while looking away. 

Charlie: "Well, it's kinda complicated.... it started a few days ago"

Flashback Charlie pov

It was another day at the hotel, things were moving smoothly and I just got out of a sharing circle.  

Charlie: "Okay everyone lets meet up next week and be sure to write in your dream journals~" 

While everyone cleared out I took a long at my checklist but that's when I got an unexpected phone call, from my mother. 

Charlie: "Hey, mom. It's been a while."

Luci: "Yes it has, how have you been with everything?"

Chalie: "Oh, well it's been doing great. Everyone is making great progress and although nobody has been redeemed yet I know that we are close."

Luci: "I see, a while back I herd some sinners attacked the place. I had half a mind to make an example of them" 

I could hear the threatening tone she used

Charlie: "NO! no. That's not necessary, besides Y/n took care of them. So we are all good~"

Luci: "Y/n? Who is Y/n?"

I realized my mistake immediately as I didn't tell her about Y/n nor the fact that we are kinda in a relationship. Rubbing the music note mark on my neck I start to panic a bit. 

Charlie: "O-oh, he's umm... a friend?"

Luci: "Charlie, you know I can tell when your lying hun. Who is Y/n?"

Charlie: "H-he's umm. My boyfriend..."

Luci: "...."

Charlie: "Mom.... you still there?"

Luci: "Charlie, I think it's time that you come to visit me and Momma"

Charlie: "Wait, you mean now?!"

Luci: "No not right now, how does the day after tomorrow sound? Good, okay see you then!~"

She then hung up before I could even say anything in response. 

Charlie: "Fuck...."

Flashback end nobody pov

Charlie: "So yeah that's why we are here..."

Y/n: "Well, I suppose there is no helping it. Not like we could have hidden this forever. Vaggie, you've met them before no? What kind of people are they?"

Vaggie: "Actually this is my first time meeting them face to face"

Y/n: "Oh, I see. Well, then let's look on the bright side...."




Vaggie: "Which is?"

Y/n: "I'm not exactly sure.... when it comes to meeting parents I'm not exactly the most confident. Charlie, how long has it been since you last seen your parents in person?"

Charlie: "Around three... years ago. We talk on the phone a lot but we haven't actually spoken face to face in a long time. With the hotel and everything things have just been a little busy. Y/n, I need you to be on your best behavior. No talking of deals or enchanting songs" 

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