Chapter 6

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It would be just past midnight as many in pentagram city have turned in for the night. However this is hell after all and when night comes, the more sinister and power hungry demons come out.

In the back of one bar there appears to be some kind of meeting as several demons are sat around a large table. Five demons in particular seem to be more high ranking then others.

One demon would have a long scar along his right cheek along with a fedora. Another has a tropical shirt with a circular scar on his forehead. The third and forth seems to be a couple sitting close to each other, both with several X's all over their bodies.

The final demon who appeared to be the head of the gang spoke out, his skin being a light blue with various scars along his form. His clothing stood out the most as he looked to be a sea captain. 

Scarface: "So why did ya call us here for, I got a few deliveries to make and payments to get"

Tropical: "¿A quién le importan tus envíos de alcohol? Tengo varios envíos de polvo de ángel para enviar." 

Translation (Who cares about your shipments of booze? I got several shipments of angel dust to send out!)

Couple (Women): "Oh hush up your voice is annoying as it is"

Couple (Man): "Easy now darlin, ain't none of us even know why we were called in yet" 

It's then they all look to the sea captain who gives them all a slight glare. 

Captain: "I called you all here for a very important matter. Demons are trying to go clean or at least enough to where its hurting our profits"

Tropical: "Te refieres a ese hotel, ¿verdad?"

Translation (You are referring to that hotel, correct?)

Captain: "Aye"

Scarface: "So what it's one hotel, what's the big deal?"

Captain: "The big deal is they are making jokes out of us, so we are gonna pay them a little visit and show them not to fuck with our business"

Couple(Man): "What kinda message are you thinking were gonna send?"

Captain: "Simple, were gonna burn that miserable excuse for a hotel to the ground" 

He then stands with a smirk

Captain: "We are some of the most well known criminals" he looks to Scarface "Al Capone" he looks to Tropical "Pablo Escobar" to the couple "Bonnie and Clyde" he then tips his hat up "And Blackbeard~"

Bonnie: "Boss I got one question for ya. That place has two overlords at their backs, how are we gonna do this with them hanging around?"

The others nod in agreement at this fact

Backbeard: "Simple" pulling up a case he places it on the table and opens it showing various weapons emitting a soft white glow

Pablo: "Santa mierda"

Clyde: "Are these what I think they are?"

Backbeard: "Blessed weapons, able to even kill royalty. I think we can handle a few overlords with these, so what do you all say?"

The criminals only smirk in agreement with their leader. 

Backbeard: "Good, now get ready because this will be bloody~"

(Time skippy)

At the Hazbin hotel things are going smoothly, or at least they would be as one more aggressive guest is making a small scene. 

The Music Demon (Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now