Chapter 10 Loo Loo Land

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Okay disclaimer before this chapter starts. I realized after writing spring broken that I have no way to introduce Y/n to Stola and Octavia without it being extremely forced. So I decided to do Loo Loo Land next then go in the proper episodes order. That being said I don't think it actually will effect anything by swapping the timeline order of these two episodes.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all at the end of it.


14 years ago

We open up to an exterior shot of Stola's mansion during the night before switching to the inside where a sleeping Stola and Stela are sleeping, with Stella hogging the majority of the blankets.

Octavia: "Mom! Momma!"

Stola is stirred awake as she turns to Stella

Stola: "Hmm. Via's calling us, Stella"

Stella: "You get up"

Stola sighs and gets out of bed putting on a robe before entering Octavia's room.

Stola sighs and gets out of bed putting on a robe before entering Octavia's room

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Stola: "Via? What troubles you my, owlet?"

The young girl is seen hiding under some covers before seeing her mother and going to her.

Octavia: "Mom! Mom! I had a dream! A really bad dream!"

Stola: "A nightmare" she corrects her

Octavia: "I was looking all over the palace, and... I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there"

Octavia hugs Stola who rubs her back comforting the young owl demon.

Stola: "There there, Via, it's okay. Your okay"

Stola summons her grimoire that floats over as she sits on Octavia's bed with the owlet in her lap.

Stola: "When your scared, and you don't know where I am, you must remember. No matter what happens to be, I will never be far away... from my special little starfire" the grimore floats over as Stola makes it flip open

♩It always seems more quiet in the dark
It always feels so stark
How silence grows under the moon
Constellations gone so soon♩

♩I used to think that I was bold
I used to think love would be fun
Now all my stories have been told except for one♩

♩As the stars start to align
I hope you take it as a sign
That you'll be okay
Everything will be okay♩

♩And if the seven rings collapse
Although the day could be my last
You will be okay
When I'm gone you'll be okay♩

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