Chapter 13 Cherub Change and Teaching an Owl

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Having returned to hell Y/n had taken Keenie to his music studio/ home. 

Y/n: "Welcome to your new home my dear" he gestures around the place 

Keenie: "Wow, this is much nicer then I was expecting for demon fil- I mean, someone from hell"

Y/n lets out a small chuckle 

Y/n: "I'll take that as a complement. Now then I think we need to address your current look"

Keenie: "My look?"

Y/n: "Indeed, to put it simply you stand out to much. You are still a cherub and we can't have that as some less savory citizens here may decided to take advantage of you in some ways or even go after you for fun. Luckily I have a solution to this."

He moves over to a large couch taking a seat while patting the spot next to him. Keenie, hesitantly joins him sitting down. 

Keenie: "W-what's the solution?"

Y/n: "A transformation, I know of two ways. One is you fall from grace by committing a sin, the other is a simple spell although it will be painful"

Keenie: "I'll do the second one" she quickly said

Y/n: "Hm? May I ask, why do you wish for the more painful one?"

Keenie: "It's what I deserve, my actions killed a human and I abandoned all that I believed in... Pain is fitting..." she began to tear up a bit

Y/n suddenly pulled her into his chest giving her a tight embrace that initially confuses the cherub. 

Y/n: "You do not deserve pain, my dear. You simply need something new to put your faith in. So put it in me"

Keenie: "Put my faith in you?"

Y/n: "Indeed my dear"

Releasing the cherub from the hug he wiped away her tears giving her a gentle smile. 

Y/n: "Now then, I think we have a matter to attend to. "

Reaching a hand out he snaps his fingers causing a bottle to fly off a shelf and into his hand. He then proceeds to hand it to the cherub. 

Y/n: "Drink up"

Keenie: "What is this?"

Y/n: "Just some booze. I won't do anything to hurt you if i can help it so I'm going to make you fall from grace. Overindulgence in alcohol aka gluttony, is the simplest out of all the ways to do it"

Keenie looks at the bottle a bit hesitantly 

Y/n: "Something the matter?"

Keenie: "I've never actually drank before, this is my first"

Y/n: "I see, then" He summons a glass for himself already filled "A toast to your first drink" he chuckles 

Keenie smiles clinking the bottle with Y/n's glass before they both drink. 

(Time skip )

It's been several hours later and well... things have progressed. Empty bottles littered the music demons studio as some laughter is herd coming from one room. 

Y/n: "The boy then tried to seduce me while pleading for his life, unfortunately for him I'm wasn't catholic nor a priest. Long story short even children who come to hell get no mercy from me"

Keenie: she laughed clearly more then a little drunk as she takes a drink from another bottle "At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the entire catholic church came down here. God and his divine plan can kiss my ass if he lets that shit slide"

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