Chapter 21 Visiting Heaven pt 3

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Night would fall on heaven as things have become quiet and calm. Inside one building The Music Angel is seen at a desk placing some papers into a neat pile. Once done he stands looking out a large window down at the golden city, while in his thoughts.

The Music Angel: (Charlie Mange, such a lovely girl.) a wicked smiles creeps across his face (You will me darling~)

A slow chuckle starts up evolving into an outright laughing fit before he slaps a hand over his mouth.

The Music Angel: (Dammit... seems I must purge again...)

Snapping his fingers a golden ring forms in the center of the room with him entering it. Once inside his eyes close as crackling red and black lighting surges along his form. Taking his hand he places it over his chest before plunging it inside and ripping out a large mass of red and black energy. 

The Music Angel, looks it at with disgust before raising his other hand and blasting it with holy magic completely evaporating it. With that done he takes a few breaths making the circle vanish.

The Music Angel: "I must remain pure and uncorrupted. Remove all sins and hide any imperfections." he thinks back to charlie "My darling, you have done this to me. The ultimate symbol of sin and temptation.... and I want you to be mine~" looking back out the window he can't help but to smile and start up a song

♩Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly proud (et tibit pater)
Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd (quia peccavi nimis)
Then tell me, Maria, why I see her dancing there?
Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul? (cogitatione)
I feel her, I see her
The sun caught in her golden hair
Is blazing in me out of all control (verb o et opere)♩

♩Like fire
This fire in my skin
This burning desire
Is turning me to sin!♩

♩It's not my fault (mea culpa)
I'm not to blame (mea culpa)
It is the hellish girl the witch who sent this flame (mea maxima culpa)
It's not my fault (mea culpa)
If in God's plan (mea culpa)
He made the Devil so much stronger than a man (mea maxima culpa)♩

♩Protect me, Maria
Don't let this siren cast her spell
Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone
Destroy Charlie Mange
And let her taste the fires of hell
Or else let her be mine and mine alone♩

The Music Angel: "You will be mine, even if I have to kill every sinner in hell!!"

Now Charlie, it's your turn
Choose me or your pyre
Be mine or you will burn♩

♩(Kyrie eleison)
God have mercy on her
(Kyrie eleison)
God have mercy on me
(Kyrie eleison)
But she will be mine
Or she will burn♩

Returning to his desk he leans on the front of it, his golden smile being ever present. It only fades when the doors to his office open with an Exorcist walking in.

Exorcist: "Sir!" she kneels

The Music Angel: "What is it?"

Exorcist: "We have some strange reports we thought you'd like to know about."

The Music Angel: "Go on"

Exorcist: "It seems that many Exorcist have started abandoning their posts and disappearing without any trace. None from your personal army but sill, its a bit concerning"

The Music Demon (Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now