An: Semi-Important

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Okay, I can't believe I have to do this but I think it's very needed considering the comments I am seeing. Some of you are pointing out plot holes and details that don't match up with the show. I have answered this within comments but just encase some of you do not know I'm saying it here. 

This fanfic was made before the show came out meaning some details do not match up such as Vaggie being an actual sinner rather then an angel or Lilith still being in hell. This story is in it's own timeline/ universe not related to the cannon show letting me do more creative things. I do plan on doing the show eventually but I'd like to get to a comfortable spot with the story I've already established first. So to repeat this is not related to the cannon allowing me more freedom to do what I wan't with characters and certain aspects. 

Thank you for listening and I hope you all enjoy this story as it continues. 

Ps. I'm considering drawing an outfit for Y/n just to show what he wears. If you wanna see that let me know but if you don't and prefer to go with your own mental image that is fine too. 

The Music Demon (Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now