Chapter 19 Visiting heaven pt 1

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We open up to the Hazbin hotel. Inside one room light shines through the window with the slight warmth and glare landing on the face of The Music Demon. Letting out a slight groan his eyes slowly open with him sitting up with a stretch. Looking to his sides he finds himself in bed alone with his partners nowhere to be seen. Getting dressed and leaving the room he hears a bit more movement the usual coming from the main lobby as he approaches it. 

In the lobby Charlie and Vaggie are seen with several packed bags with Charlie even trying to pack a large stack of papers along with a stone bust of a unicorn. 

Y/n: "This is a sight to wake up to"

He speaks drawing their attention. 

Charlie: "Y/n! Your awake~" she ran over hugging him

Y/n: "Indeed I am although after the previous night I am surprised to see you up so early, my dear"

Charlie: "Well I'm just excited that today is that day"

Y/n: "I'm sorry?"

Vaggie: "We're going to heaven today remember?"

Y/n did in fact forget that they are going to heaven. The though making him place a hand over his Quaver marking rubbing it anxiously. 

Charlie: "Now come on, we have a bit more packing to do before we head there!"

Charlie dragged Vaggie along while Y/n simply looked down having a few memories resurface. 


Y/n is herd screaming a someone had him pinned under their heel. His arm being outstretched while someone brands his wrist with a Quaver marking. 

???: "Don't you ever forget this. You are nothing compared to me and you never will be~"

The person creates a portal underneath Y/n causing him to fall down with hell being seen behind him as he does. 

Flashback end

(Time skip)

Charlie and Vaggie are waiting in the main lobby for Y/n with Vaggie checking the clock. 

Vaggie: "Where is he, we leave in a few minuets"

Charlie: "I don't know but I'm sure he'll be here any moment"

Almost on que the demon himself would come down the stairs in a slightly different outfit. Rather then his more formal attire he would be in a pitch black cloak with a hood up. 

Y/n: "Sorry i'm cutting it close my dears but i had to prepare a small disguise"

Charlie: "Disguise for heaven?"

Y/n: "I'm a powerful and old overlord. If heaven sees me it may cause unwanted attention"

Vaggie: "So a cloak and hood is your disguise?"

Y/n: "indeed, especially when I do this" his face darkens turning pitch black except for his eyes and mouth which become a bright white "So, shall we go?"

As he said that a portal opens 

Charlie: "Yes, right on time. This is going to be amazing!"

Charlie and Vaggie step through but just before Y/n does he takes a breath and lets out a shaky sigh. 

Y/n: "Here we go..."

Stepping through he along with the two girls were face to face with large golden gates.

Charlie: "Wow this place is so clean!"

 Standing at a podium next to the gates would be St. Peter. 

The Music Demon (Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now