Chapter 8 (Very short)

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After the previous day's events Y/n had decided to make himself know once more by joining a company in hell called I.M.P. Having told everyone of his plans they were a bit saddened to see him go but also understood why he had to. 

Y/n: "I promise you all I will come by and visit whenever I have time I assure you"

Charlie: "We understand but we have to gave you a little intensive so you will defiantly come back"

Charlie and Vaggie both approached him and kissed him on both of his cheeks surprising the music demon. 

Alastra: "Oh my~"

Y/n: "Well now, seems I missed something"

Vaggie: blushing a bit "I-it's not that big of a deal, Charlie and I just wanted to thank you for everything you did."

Y/n raised a brow with a smirk as if to say 'Is that all?'

Vaggie: "We also were wondering..."

Charlie: "If you could maybe include us in your's and Alastra's relationship"

Y/n let out a small chuckle before giving both girls quick pecks on the lips.

Y/n: "I don't mind at all. Alastra will have a few ground rules but that's for you all to figure out among yourselves. For now, I should get going. I do have a job interview."

Creating a portal, Y/n looks back at the girls once more while taking note of each of their music note marks, gaining a slight devilish smirk he heads through. 

Coming out on the other side Y/n stood outside of a large building which seems to have the horns of an imp on the sides. 

Y/n: "Hm, smells of blood, gunpowder and other fluids

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Y/n: "Hm, smells of blood, gunpowder and other fluids... Oh well"

Entering the building he saw it was rater empty and quiet. Making it to the top floor is where he saw the office if IMP. Giving the door a knock he herd a bit of rustling fallowed by a voice speaking out.

???: "Just one second!"

The sound of shuffling is herd from the other side of the door before it opens up showing a female imp.

The sound of shuffling is herd from the other side of the door before it opens up showing a female imp

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???: "Hello, sorry but business hours are over for the day"

Y/n: "Oh no miss I think you misunderstand my intentions. I'm here for a job at your company, preferably as an assassin."

???: "Oh yeah? Look were not really looking for more employees at the moment so why don't you try someplace else"

Y/n: (Seems she doesn't recognize me as the music demon)"I see. At least let me show you some of my skills" (Perhaps I can convince her) "My name is Y/n, and you are?"

Blitz: "Blitza the A is silent" she looks him up and down for a moment realizing he's not exactly bad looking "So uh, what kind of skills do you have anyway?"

(An: I will be spelling how people pronounce it for ease, sorry if it bothers you)

Y/n: "I believe showing is much better then telling, may I come in for a moment?"

Stepping to the side she let him in and what fallowed is what you could probably expect. 

3 Hours later

Inside Blitz's office the imp herself is seen breathing hard on the floor whither her clothes littered around her and covered by a blanket. Y/n is seen standing having just finished dressing himself, he looks back at the women with a smirk. 

Y/n: (Not exactly what I had in mind when I thought of convincing her but either way) "So miss Blitz I'll start tomorrow then?"

Blitz: "Yeah.... How did you do that thing with your-"

Y/n: "Shhh" he hushes her "A gentlemen never reveals his secrets~"

He opens the door leaving 

Y/n: "See you tomorrow my dear"


An: Okay, sorry that this was so short but I didn't wanna do this then immediately go into the next story as I want each episode to be it's own chapter. That being said from this point on we shall be going into the actual Helluva boss episodes, starting with one of my favorites.

Spring Broken

Spring Broken

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The Music Demon (Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now