Chapter 20 Visiting Heaven pt 2

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Previously Emily showed Charile and Veggie around heaven. Eventually they find a dancing area where after a musical greeting, they meet someone who introduced themselves as. 

The Music Angel


The Music Angel: "So great to meet you both, not exactly many hell born or sinners come here. Well for obvious reasons"

Charlie and Vaggie looked at him a with a bit of a wary look. 

Vaggie: "Music Angel, as in your whole schick is about songs and stuff?"

The Music Angel: "That's right babe" he winked shooting finger guns

Charlie: "That's interesting. I didn't think there would be angels based on things like that. Some sinners have names like that but angels?"

The Music Angel: "Haha! Don't worry about it, besides compared to sinners I'm on an entirely different level. We can talk about it, over dinner?"

He leaned in close to Charlie with a wide smile and wink, while the princess gave a bit of a nervous smile. 

Charlie: "Hehe.... as nice as that sounds i'm gonna have to decline"

The Music Angel: "It's just dinner, nothing has to go anywhere- OW!"

Emily is seen pinching The Music Angel's cheek 

Emily: "Come on now she said no. Besides she's already in a relationship with someone"

The Music Angel: Rubbing his cheek "Seriously? That's a shame really. Who's the guy that has you as such a lovely darling?"

Charlie: "Well, one is Vaggie" she gesture to her "And the other is Y/-  I mean F/n"

The Music Angel: "Oh so you got a little three way action huh~"

Emily once again started pinching his cheek

The Music Angel: "Ow ow okay stop it, damn!"

Suddenly an exorcist flys over and lands kneeling down to The Music Angel. Her appearance being similar to her other sister with the exception of a large music note insignia covering her chest and torso. 

Exorcist: "Sir, we have the reports you've asked for waiting in your office"

The Music Angel: "Ugh, great." he sounded disappointing "Well seems I gotta end this little balled with you three. Pleasure meeting you all, especially you Charlie~" Shooting her a wink he spreads his wings and fly's off

Charlie: "Well that was...."

Vaggie: "Uncomfortable"

Emily: "Sorry about him. He's what you would call... a hound dog?"

Vaggie: "I think you mean, horn dog"

Emily: "Yeah that. Despite his position up here he kinda just does what he wants"

Charlie: "Really, what does he do exactly?"

Emily: "He's in charge of all the entertainment in heaven. Music and dancing mostly, but it's to be expected when he's the one who created music"

Charlie: "He created music?"

Emily: nods "Yup that's right. He was one of the first angles created after humans to gift them a form of entertainment."

Vaggie: "So he's super old?"

Emily giggles at that remark 

Emily: "Yeah that's one way of putting it. But anyway let's move on, let's check out the petting zoo"

The Music Demon (Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now