Chapter 7

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Vaggie: "So, what now you gonna just torture me or something?" she spoke with slight venom

Man: "Nothing so barbaric, we are just gonna have a bit of fun"

This confused Vaggie before she saw him start to remove his shirt and approach the bed. Her eyes widen as the sudden realization of what's about to happen hits her.

Vaggie: "No.... no, no, stay back!" she crawled backwards on the bed

Man: "Don't worry it will be over before you know it"

Looking to the side table he turns on a radio playing more fitting music as he grabs Vaggie's legs and pulls her towards him. His hand reaches out towards her chest.

Vaggie with no way to stop this closes her eyes as tears start to form. But right when she expected to be touched the sound of fleash being ripped is herd.

Opening her eyes she sees the man with a hand through his chest and spitting up blood. The hand belonging to Y/n, who looks less then pleased. His body being shrouded in shadows only showing his glowing white eyes and mouth.

Y/n: "Y̷̦̲̬͘o̵͑͌ͅȕ̷̻̓'̴͎͒͒͝ͅv̵̨͓̙̎͋ê̶̘̩͍͠ ̷͚̫͆́m̷̪̟͗̋á̷̢̜̞d̵̡̛̳̘̋ē̵͔̅͐ ̶̪̀͝a̵̹̝͇͛͐ ̷̳͇̔g̶̰̉̋̒r̸̤͓̱̽̅a̵͇̱̕ṽ̸̱̮̌̿e̸̱̱̐̏ ̷̲̯̾̀m̵̛͔̯͒ǐ̵̥̖̀̎ͅs̸̹̋̈́̏ͅt̷̻̰̕͠ą̶͔̓̏k̸͓̞͂͂ę̶̖͈̏̕!"


The man looks back at Y/n still on the edge of death as he opens his mouth to say something. Y/n simply places his other hand over the man'd mouth while speaking in his demonic tone. 

Y/n:  ̴͎͙̒́S̶̺̝͗̄̽h̶͎́h̸̭͊h̶̩͐͜,̸͓͖͇͛̓ ̸͍̏͋̅I̸̢̤͐t̸̻͗ ̵̖̎̉̈́w̸̻̆̔͋i̶̧̺̫͒̈l̴̹̈̌ĺ̵͔̉̇ ̶͍͒̊̕b̴̭̆ě̷̠̪ ̷̙̰̈́̾o̷͎̓v̵̙̭̂͐͜é̷̬̭̌̚r̵̯̝̪͐͆͆ ̸̝͈̌͑b̸͚̦̍e̴̢͚̯̊͑f̵̛̻̰͔͒ơ̶̠͚͗̐r̶͎͂è̴̙̤͉̽ ̸̭̫̺̽̚y̸̨̗͆̓o̶͕̮̠͗̆u̸͚͖̇ ̶̖̪̞̋̿k̷̮̙͝ň̵̜̓ọ̸́̂w̵̭̠͛̋ ̷̖͉͉̏ḯ̶̠̀t̵̰̞̣̔̈́

Ripping his hand out he lets the man's body fall to the floor dead. His gaze then shifts to Vaggie who watches with wide eyes and shaky breathing. Reaching his hand out to her she quickly smack it away while screaming in a fearful tone. 

Vaggie: "Don't touch me!"

Her body trembles as tears go down her cheeks. Y/n tilts his head looking at her face, a face of fear, pain and trauma. 

Returning to his normal look he takes a blanket and put's it around her shoulders. 

Y/n: "Vagatha" he spoke in a quiet gentle tone "Are you okay, please speak to me"

Vaggie: her breathing slowed as she looked at Y/n "I was almost...."

Y/n: "I know but you didn't, it's alright" he reached out gently stroking her hair

Vaggie: "I knew hell was like this but..."

Y/n looked at her and decided to ask a big question

Y/n: "Is that how you died?"

She only hugged her knees giving a small nod. 

Vaggie: "I don't know why I'm telling you this but, yeah. I was walking home one night and this guy just decided to come for me. I thought he just wanted my purse but then he pushed me down.... I wanted to scream but he had a gun, a big fucking gun. T-then he..."

The Music Demon (Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now