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Chase, Ryder, Marshall, and Rubble get to the location of the town hall as the cloud of black smoke gets bigger and bigger. Their faces fill with worry as they see the town hall up in flames. There are people around it, and Mayor Goodway is seen crying in the background as Captain Turbot comforts her. Ryder quickly comes up with a plan.

Ryder: "Chase, block the roads and sidewalks. We need people to be away from the fire."

Chase: "Chase is on the case!"

Chase quickly throws his cones on each side of the road in front of the town hall and puts caution tape around the perimeter of the town hall as the fire cracks on and on.

Chase: "I've blocked off the road and sidewalk, Ryder!"

Ryder: "Good job, Chase! Marshall blasts the fire with your truck's water hose."

Marshall: "I'm fired up!"

Marshall quickly positions his truck in a way for the pressurized water hose on his truck to pour water all over the fire. Marshall presses a button that turns his water hose on and starts to spray the fire with his water.

Ryder: "Rubble after the fire's out. I need you to clean the debris up."

Rubble: "Rubble on the double!"

After a few minutes, the fire is put out by Marshall, and the smoke turns white as the fire is now put out. 

Marshall: "Alright, Rubble, you can get rid of the debris."

Rubble nods and drives his digger near the town hall and starts removing debris as Ryder comes over and helps him.

Chase keeps watch on the roads and sidewalks, and Marshall helps the people outside and checks if their injured. After Marshall checks everyone, he goes to help the others clear the debris.

Marshall: "I can't believe the town hall was burned. How did it happen?"

Ryder: "I'm not sure, Marshall. we'll have to look through the debris while we clear it to see what caused the fire."

Chase: "Do you think someone could've set it on fire, Ryder?"

Ryder: "I couldn't tell you Chase, but It's very unlikely. Nobody hates Adventure Bay so much that they would try to burn it down, at least that I know."

As Marshall, Rubble, and Ryder clear the debris and look through it, Marshall finds something....peculiar.

Marshall: "Hey, is this a gas can?!"

Ryder comes over and looks at what Marshall paws at.

Ryder: "Hmm. It looks like it. If we can still smell the gasoline, we may have a reason for the fire."

Chase: "Does that mean someone tried to burn the town hall down!"

Ryder: "Maybe, but it could've just been in the wrong place and the wrong time. It looks like it exploded, though, so there was definitely gas inside of it."

Marshall: "Well, Chase, see if you can still smell the gasoline. If you can, that means it was recently blown up."

Chase smells the gas can and jumps back in shock.

Chase: "Whew! I definitely smell gasoline, bleh!"

Ryder: "Someone burned the town hall then."

Rubble: "Why would someone do that? Isn't that, like, illegal, like super illegal?"

Chase: "It's called arson, and it's highly illegal. We have to find the person who did it and put them away!"

Marshall: "I really don't have any idea on who could do that."

Chase, Rubble, Marshall, and Ryder all stand curiously as they try to think who would be the most likely suspect.  As they think, Chase gets an idea of who it might be.

Chase: *gasps* "Do you think Mayor Humdinger could've done it? He really doesn't like Adventure Bay."

Ryder: "Hmm, maybe, but I don't think he hates Adventure Bay so much to almost burn it down. However, people can do crazy things."

Rubble: "Well, aren't there cameras near the town hall that might have a view of when the town hall caught fire?"

Ryder: "Good idea, Rubble. I'll go ask Mayor Goodway."

Ryder rushes over to Mayor Goodway, who is wiping away her tears and starting to go back to normal.

Mayor Goodway: "Oh! My poor town hall. Thanks for putting the fire out Ryder at least it didn't spread to any other nearby buildings."

Ryder: "Indeed, that would've been very bad for the town. But Mayor Goodway, we found some evidence that potentially proves that this was arson."

Mayor Goodway: *gasps* "What! Who would dare do such a thing to my amazing town! What did you find?"

Ryder: "Do you know if there was a gas can inside the town hall?"

Mayor Goodway: "You found a gas can? I don't let any flammable things in there, so a gas can shouldn't've been there unless it was empty."

Ryder: "Well, it exploded during the fire, so there definitely was some gasoline in the can Mayor Goodway."

Mayor Goodway: "Well, do you have any idea who it might be."

Ryder: "Right now, we only have Mayor Humdinger on our list, but I did come over to ask you if I had any cameras that looked at the town hall, so maybe we could get more information."

Mayor Goodway: "Well....I do think there are, but my head of security James takes care of that."

Ryder: "Great, do you know where we can find him?"

Mayor Goodway: "He usually is in his office in the town hall, but uh....well, you know."

Ryder: "Darn. Do you maybe have, uh, an address?"

Mayor Goodway: "Um. I think he lives over by Katie's salon. He has a dog named Parker. He takes him there to get groomed and everything like that."

Ryder: "Well, we'll see if we can find him. Thank you, Mayor Goodway, and I'm sorry about the town hall. I'll have the pups help rebuild it after our investigation."

Mayor Goodway: "Thank you so much, the Paw Patrol always saves the day."

Ryder:  "If you have any "burning" problems, just yelp for help."

Mayor Goodway nods, and Ryder walks back over to Rubble, Marshall, and Chase to tell them about the investigation.

Chase: "Does Mayor Goodway have access to the cameras Ryder?"

Ryder: "No, she doesn't, but her head of security, James, does, we're gonna go see him, okay pups."

Marshall, Rubble, Chase: "Okay, Ryder."

Chase: "But Ryder, do we know where he is?"

Ryder: "Not yet Chase, but Goodway told me that Katie should have more information."

Chase: "Okay, off to Katie's then."

Rubble: "Good thing Rocky isn't here. He would hate to go to Katie's salon, especially since every time he goes there, he ends up getting wet." 

Ryder, Marshall, and Chase all giggle at Rubble's comment.

Chase: "True, hehe, I hope he outgrows it. We'll find out if he does after he turns 7 in 3 days."

Ryder: "Fears are hard to get over, but I'm sure he'll get over it eventually."

Marshall: "Hehe, he hates when I get him wet on accident. I'm sure he'll come around."

Ryder: "Well, pups, let's get to Katie's and see if she knows more about James' location."

The pups bark in agreement, and all get into their vehicles and head to Katie's salon. They hope this investigation can be a success and they can find the perp involved. Who could do such a thing to burn down Adventure Bay's prized town hall?

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