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Chase is seen building a security system just like the Ruff Ruff pack had asked. They never specified how strong or secure they want it, so he decides to ask them.

Chase: "Hey Gasket! Are you guys okay if I set up a basic security system, or do you want a more advanced one?"

Gasket stops what she is doing and turns to talk to Chase.

Gasket: "Oh, right, we should've specified that. But, a basic one should he fine. We don't expect to be a big target for criminals. They probably think we're still the same old Ruff Ruff Pack."

Chase: "Alright, sounds good. I'll get on it."

Chase walks away, and Gasket smiles at him she then quickly goes back to working with Rocky.

Gasket: "Okay, where was I?

Rocky smiles

Rocky: "I think you were doing something with the chassis."

Gasket: "Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. Are you still working on the mudguards?"

Rocky smiles as he can finally be understood when talking about vehicles. Gasket is the only one he knows so far that can fully understand him.

Rocky: "Yeah, the mudguards are good. I think we need to fix these mirrors, though."

Gasket: "Hmm? Let me see."

Gasket looks at the mirrors but accidentally trips and lands on top of Rocky in a.....suggestive position. Rocky is caught by surprise and notices Gasket on top of him and gets nervous but smiles and giggles it off. Gasket quickly jumps off of Rocky, visibly embarrassed and slightly blushing.

Gasket: "Um, uh, hehe, sorry about that."

Rocky: "Hehe, it's okay. Mistakes happen."

Gasket: "Uh ye-yeah, hehe. The mirrors do need fixing, though."

Rocky also slightly blushes but rubs it off.

Rocky: "I'll get on it then, hehe."

Rocky and Gasket continue working on the bike. Ryder and skye are seen trying to put the large neon sign on the entrance.

Ryder: "Okay, Skye, I think we have enough space. Can you fly up there with the letter and see if it lines up?"

Skye: "This pup's gotta fly, hehe."

Skye quickly flies up with a letter in her mouth as she lines it up and nods to Ryder.

Ryder: "Great! I'm coming up okay, hold it."

Ryder grabs the ladder and steps up to Skye and nails in the neon letter R in its rightful place. He soon steps down and looks at the whole area for the sign.

Ryder: "Great! I can see that it's gonna fit perfectly. Alright, let's keep putting up these letters."

* * * *
After a short while, Ryder and Skye finish the sign, and it reads, "RUFF RIDER BIKES." Rydrer and Skye look on in happiness at their work.

Ryder: "Good job Skye it looks really good. I'm happy about it. What about you?"

Skye: "Honestly, it's pretty good, I'd say."

Ryder: "I know, right? Well, let's take a break. The helipad might he difficult, so I'd like to have full energy for that. Come, sit with me."

Ryder goes over to a rock that's made into a bench. Skye sits next to him and lays down on her stomach as she takes a sigh of relief.

Ryder: "So, do you feel old yet? Hehe."

Skye: "Hehe, no, not really, but it's getting there. I can feel it."

Ryder: "I'm glad, you're 9. Now that's pretty crazy to me. They really do grow up fast, hehe."

Skye:"I know, when I was a young pup, I always thought I'd be young forever, since you know I stayed small. But now I'm honestly glad I didn't stay young. I can finally like, fully relax and enjoy the pup spa more, hehe."

Ryder: "Yeah, I know, but it must be a punch in the face a bit, right? I mean one more year, and you're retired. You've gotta be feeling some way about that."

Skye: "Well, I am. Yeah, but I have a good idea on how that's gonna go. Hehe."

Ryder: "Really? You always were prepared for anything, I guess. Speaking of what do you wanna do after you know...this."

Skye: "Well, to be honest, I want a family."

Ryder is shocked. He can't believe Skye wants to be a mother someday, but at the same time, he does believe it.

Ryder: "Wow. Shocker. But I get it, it's something you can't really have in this life. I'm glad you plan on it."

Skye: "Yeah, can I tell you something else about that Ryder?"

Ryder: "I don't see why not. Ask away."

Skye: "Well, he didn't really want anybody to know, but. I'm going to start a family with......Chase."

Ryder is again shocked but not fully as he had a feeling they were smitten with each other.

Ryder: "Chase? Huh. I mean, I figured it anyway."

Skye: "Really? Well, I guess the signs were pretty noticeable. But yeah."

Ryder: "I'm happy for you two. You guys are a great match. It's crazy though. I'm seeing you guys grow up from little pups who just wanted fun to real adult pups who are starting future plans and relationships. Time moves so fast that it's hard to cherish moments in it."

Skye: "Thank you, Ryder. For everything. I would never have believed I would he where I am now if you hadn't come back for me that day. I wanted to give up so bad when I saw you get farther and farther away from me. I wanted to rest forever. I'm glad you came back. I wouldn't be here without it. Now I'm close to leaving the Paw Patrol, the family I've only really known my whole life."

Ryder and Skye cuddle as the desert breeze blows softly in the wind. And the neon sign shines bright on to their faces.

* * * *
After a few more hours, night has officially fallen, and the Bike Shop is officially finished. The bike shop looks amazing and puts a big smile on each of the pups and Ryder.

Gasket: "Thank you guys so much. Now I know y'all have been waiting for a wheel of a long time. But I'm sure you'll find what's in the garage to your liking. We all worked hard on it as you guys were helping us. Here, *Ryder takes the garage key*. Open it."

Ryder turns on the garage key, and the garage rolls up to reveal a bike for each pup and one for Ryder. Ryder gasps loudly. The bikes are all supermoto bikes which are like a mix of a dirt bike and a speed bike, not like their other bikes as the moto pups.

Gasket: "I know you guys already have bikes, but these ones are meant for speedy rescues. Now you guys are Supermoto Pups. It's a good name, ain't it."

The pups all gasp happily and rush to see their new supermoto bikes. They can't believe how good they look.

They Grow Up Too Fast (Paw Patrol)Where stories live. Discover now