Skye's Birthday

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The day of Skyes birthday has arrived, and all the pups are super excited. Marshall and Chase are seen working on decorations together.

Chase: "So Marshall, are you and Everest like. You know..."

Marshall: "What? Together? Yeah, we are. we were trying to keep it on the low, but I guess we were too outgoing with it. It's whatever, though I really like, actually love her, you know. It feels weird to say that out loud."

Chase: "No worries, dude. I get it. I'm glad you're happy, though. It is a bit ironic how you're with a snow pup. Hehe."

Marshall: "Hehe, true. It is ironic, but i mean opposites attract right."

Chase: "Hehe, that they do."

Chase and Marshall continue working on decorations and finish shortly. Marshall sits down with Chase on a nearby log.

Marshall: "It's crazy you and Skye are turning 9 already. You guys are about to be like fully fledged adults. Wow, time goes so fast."

Chase: "Yeah, it does. My little brother's about to be 8."

Chase playfully punches Marshall, teasing him.

Marshall: "Oh yeah. Hehe, I am turning 8, Jeez. I'm definitely gonna miss you the most Chase."

Chase: "Same, but I'll still visit when I get the chance."

Marshall smiles. He's happy that Chase gets to retire and be happier, but he still will miss his brother from another mother. They've shared so many memories together as the Paw Patrol. It's crazy to him how it's close to ending soon. He feels like he was 5 just a year ago.

Marshall: "So, Chase." *smirks* "What about you and Skye, huh?"

Chase starts to blush but giggles it off.

Chase: "Stop. Hehe. But, it's going good. Hopefully, it goes well today."

Marshall gets curious. What is Chase talking about? Good today? Is something gonna happen?

Marshall: "Wait. What's happening? What is the brave Chase planning?"

Chase: "Well, im gonna ask Skye to um

Marshall gasps playfully and giggles, then smirks.

Marshall: "Ooh, Chase is gonna get some action? Hehe."

Chase: "What! No! Hehe. Well,... at least not yet..."

Marshall: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Push the brakes. You are not gonna make me an uncle! Kind of. No way!"

Chase: "Hehe, not for a while a really long while at least. Heh, maybe not at all. But I'm gonna ask her to be with me today. That's my first step."

Marshall: "Aww! The brave Chase is gonna confess."

Chase: "We kind of already did... but we never made it official. we were worrying about Orion at that time. Which now is gone so."

Marshall: "Oh, makes sense, I get it. Well I'm happy for you."

Chase: "But I do plan on making you a 'uncle'"

Marshall: "Actually?"

Chase: "Yeah 100%"

Marshall: "Well, dang, I wish you the best then."

Chase: "Thanks, Marshall."

Marshall: "You bet."

Marshall starts to walk off, but he turns around and looks at Chase.

Marshall: "Now don't get too carried away. I'm not looking for a big amount of nephews and nieces."

Chase rolls his eyes playfully

Chase: "Pssh. Hehe. Don't worry."

Marshall: "Good. I don't plan on doing that to you either."

Chase stands in shock, realizing what Marshall meant. Is Chase really gonna be an uncle and a dad someday? That's too much. It seems nice, though. Before Chase can reply, Marshall is long gone.

* * * *
Zuma and Rocky are seen putting out small games for the party.

Rocky: "Should Apple bobbing go over there? It seems like people might hit their heads on the fence."

Zuma: "Well, then let's move it back. Shouldn't be hard."

Zuma and Rocky move the apple bobbing a few feet back and put it in a better location.

Zuma: "And there we go. Looks better, doesn't it?"

Rocky: "Yeah, way better."

Zuma: "Great. We're done. Do you wanna sit for a bit?"

Rocky: "Yeah, sure, I don't see why not."

Rocky and Zuma sit across from each other on a party table. Soon, a question forms in Rockys head.

Rocky: "So, Zuma. I've seen you and Liberty together more often. You guys always look at each other dreamily kind of. What's up?"

Zuma: "Oh, it's nothing really. I think we're. Uh, just getting closer, you know."

Zuma gets visibly nervous, and Rocky notices it.

Rocky: "Zuma, if you have something to tell me, I won't say anything bad about it. You know me."

Zuma: "Well, uh, that's not what I'm worried about it's just that I don't know if you'll tell the others. What I need to say is very personal, and I wouldn't like it to get out so quickly."

Rocky: "Zuma. You never worry. It's gotta he something serious then. And serious things need to be told."

Zuma: "I guess you're right. But promise me you won't say anything, zero, nada about what I'm gonna tell you."

Rocky: "I promise. No, I pinky promise, well I don't really have a pinky but you know what I mean."

Zuma: "Hehe. Okay. Well, the reason I and liberty seem closer is because we are. We're uh, um, together right now."

Rockys eyes widen. Zuma found someone. Zuma? He'd never expect that, sadly, but he suddenly feels happy for his best friend.

Rocky: "Wow! Thats great, man. I had my doubts, i'll be honest, but I'm so glad you found someone."

Zuma: "Thanks, but promise me you won't say okay. Me and her want to reveal it together, okay? I just had to tell you since you're like. My best friend."

Rocky: "Don't you worry bout a thing, Zuma, your secret is locked tight for the rest of my life."

Zuma: "Good. Oh. The party's about to start."

Rocky: "Oh shoot. Already? That was fast."

* * * *
Skyes' birthday party starts, and all the pups and guests are happy and having fun. The party goes on, and Skye gets sang happy birthday and gets a few gifts that she likes. Soon, the party starts to end, and more and more guests leave as the day turns to night, and the nocturnal animals make their way out of their homes. Skye says goodbye to the last guest, Coral, her cousin from Puplantis. As Coral leaves, the pups return to the lookout tower and head to sleep after being tired from Skye's birthday. As Skye prepares to sleep, she is suddenly awoken by Chase.

Chase: "Pssh. Skye. Wake up. I'm sorry to wake you, but it's important."

Skye groans and moans slightly as she moves over to face Chase in her tired state.

Skye: "What's...happening? What's so important? You know I love my beauty sleep, Chase."

Chase: "I know. But it's"

Skye suddenly worries and is awakened by worriedness.

Skye: "What? Us? Okay, I'm coming."

Skye gets out of her bed and prepares to follow Chase.

Chase: "Okay, follow me. I have to show you something."

Skye nods and follows Chase to the elevator, which goes up to the observation deck. Chase walks outside onto the balcony, and so does Skye.

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