Young Love

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Liberty places Zuma in a bed and notices that he is doing way better than before and will most likely be back on the team soon. She still has something to say to him now as it may not come around again.

Liberty: "Um, Zuma."

Zuma: "Yeah, libewty, what's up?"

Liberty: "You never really told me why you saved me."

Zuma: "Well, I mean. I don't know why but do you want me to fully descwibe it to you?"

Liberty: "Yes, that would be really nice. Hehe. It's just that no one's ever done that for me, you know. I've had to trust myself for a long 6 years, and I guess I finally have someone I really can trust. But I just want to make sure it's real, not just a mask, you know. I'm sorry if that sounds rude."

Liberty visibly gets flustered and nervous. Zuma notices this and smiles.

Zuma: "No, I get it. It's just something in youw past, that's all. Not youw fault, you know."

Liberty: "Okay, good. I didn't want to sound mean, you know, I just have trust issues, that's all. But still, can you tell me why."

Zuma gets a little nervous as he has slight feelings for Liberty, but he's not sure if he should come upfront with them. He's never felt this way until recently after he turned 6. However, he quickly overcomes it as he usually does with nervousness and fear and speaks from his heart.

Zuma: "Well, uh Libewty, I think it was because I look up to you, you know. I know that seems weiwd, but I weally haven't had a connection like I have with Skye until you came awound. So I guess what I'm twying to say is.....I didn't want to lose you."

Liberty is taken by shock at Zumas comment. She also has slight feelings for Zuma, but she never knew they had a connection. She always thought she was the third wheel and always in the background like she used to always be. Until Zuma came around.

Liberty: "Wow. Um. Okay. That was unexpected, but I mean, why? Why do you look up to me?"

Zuma: "That I still haven't weally figuwed out, but I guess it's just. I feel a slight connection with you in some way. I felt that aftew we played together when we first met."

Liberty recalls that day. She also felt a connection to Zuma. After rescuing a family with him to having him pull her old wagon. He was also the first pup to really put himself in front of her, almost fully. She liked that openness as she's never had someone do that before. She's just been a lone city pup looking up to her role models the Paw Partrol. Now she's with them, and she's marking her first full year with them soon when she turns 7 in 5 months.

Liberty: "I do remember that day. I will say I also kinda felt a connection too." *laughs nervously*

Zuma is surprised at this as he had no clue she also felt something. He thinks this could be the start of something new as he's older now.

Liberty: "Well, in a different world, how are you holding up?"

Zuma: "I'm wecovewing soon. I don't huwt anymowe. I just think I need some time to fully heal. Once I do, we can finally go aftew Owion. I've been missing out the action too much. Honestly, I did miss out a lot back home anyway."

Liberty smiles at Zuma as he's happy and eager to be in the action again. She does miss the action they shared together, surprisingly. She's mainly a lone wolf or, pup.

Zuma: "I do wish my lisp could go away it's weally annoying. Wyder said it would go away as I got oldew, but it weally hasn't."

Liberty is surprised at Zumas remark on his lisp. She personally thinks it's kind of..........cute, in a way.

Liberty: "Well, I think your lisp is fine. It gives you personality, you know."

Zuma smiles as liberty comforts him on his lisp. He's never liked it, but he's learned to deal with it his whole life. He's sure one day it will go away, but lately, he's starting to second guess himself.

Zuma: "Thanks, libewty. I appweciate it."

Liberty smiles again at Zuma. Why can't she stop smiling? Is she feeling a stronger connection?

Zuma also smiles back he also doesn't know why he can't stop smiling every time Liberty is near him he's always so happy. Why? He's never had that happen for anybody in his past.

Liberty: "Um, well, Zumo. Hehe. I can call you that, I hope?"

Zuma smiles and giggles.

Zuma: "Yeah, hehe, that's fine. It's kind of cool. Zumo! Hehe."

Liberty giggles with Zuma just really enjoying his company. Zuma also enjoys Liberty's company, he may not show it, but he does.

Liberty: "Well, I'll talk to you later. I hope you get well soon."

Zuma: "Keep youw feet wet. Um ew Paws, I meant. Hehe."

Liberty: "Hehe, yeah, and you need to join us again soon, alright."

Zuma smiles and nods at Liberty.

Liberty starts to walk off and heads to the exit. She gets to the exit and takes one final look at Zuma in the bed. She slightly smirks and walks off. Zuma looks out the window of the medical bay and sees the ocean they're on.

Zuma: *sighs* "I'll see you soon. Really soon. I hope."

Zuma smiles and is shocked as he realizes he finally says "really" without his lisp. He's making progress, and he hopes it comes soon. He misses the Paw Patrol and the missions they go on. He misses rescuing people. He most of all misses the water. He wants to get his paws wet again. He doesn't want to be a drag down for the Paw Patrol. Out of nowhere, a sudden thought explodes in his mind.

Zuma (to himself): "I miss you, liberty, already."

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