An Old Timers Wisdom

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A few days passed from Chase's birthday. As Chase lies in his bed, he starts to remember Parker. Parker was kind of like a father figure to him a bit. He was that cheery elderly person or pup that everyone meets in their life at some point. He realizes he hasn't visited him for a while. The last time they saw him was after the Orion ordeal. Chase suddenly gets an idea.

* * * * *
Chase arrives at Jake's house, where Parker is now residing. He knocks on the door. Jake opens it.

Jake: "Oh, what up, Chase, dude. What do you need?"

Chase: "Is Parker here? I came to visit him."

Jake: "Oh yeah, he's just chilling on the couch. He's a bit slower than usual. His age is getting to him slowly. But he's here if you want to talk to him."

Chase feels saddened by Parker's condition. He knows Parker is strong enough to fight it for a while.

Chase: "Really? That sucks."

Jake: "Yeah, it does. Come in."

Chase: "Thanks, Jake."

Chase walks into Jake's house and sees Parker lying on the couch, looking tired. But he gets happy when he sees Chase.

Parker: "Oi. It's me old cobber Chase. Finally decided to visit, eh? Hehe. I'm messin', hehe. What brings ya to me anyway?"

Chase: "Hey Parker, hehe. But honestly, nothing, really. i just remember I said I'd visit the day we met. I just wanted to follow that up, you know."

Parker: "No wuckas mate, I know yer a hard working pup. I will say Chase you do remind me of meself back in my SAS days."

Chase: "Really? How?"

Parker: "Well, you're a bloody leader. That's a start. I was a bit too mate. You're also very brave you would prolly do good as a soldier, aye."

Chase: "You were like me? In the SAS?"

Parker: "Defo mate. I was a bloody, dardy soldier, you know. Always going on missions with me, fellow Bruces. But let me tell ya, war does change a pup as much as it changes a man no matter how bloody great you are."

Chase: "I know, war does suck I wish we could all just get along, you know."

Parker: "I wish you were right, but power changes people. I've been devo so many times in me young buck days."

Chase: "You must've seen a lot of things."

Parker: "Righto. I've seen me mates and cobbers die in front of me eyes. It's bloody horrible. But no matter how devo it was It taught me a lot about life and what to expect from it. I head yer in good with that Sheila Skye. That's one thing I regret bout my life. Not having a flame to tend to, you know. You keep the fire happy it keeps you warm."

Chase is surprised about Parker's wisdom he definitely is scarred by his war wounds, but he has so much wisdom.

Chase: "Yeah, I am. I swear I really love her and she loves me. I'm hoping to have pups of my own someday with her."

Parker: "Good on ya. But don't become a Root Rat now. Hehe."

Chase seems curious, Root Rat? What does that mean?

Chase: "Wha?"

Parker: "Well, let's just say it's better if you don't know it right now. Hehe. Once you're older, you might understand. But anyway, I'm telling you that having someone by your side who sticks with you like a bloody Elmer is something you should never take for granted. Love is something I missed out on, and it affected me bloody hard. I wouldn't want to see that on anyone."

Chase: "Really? Why didn't you find love."

Parker: "It was me bloody ego. Thought I didn't need a flame by my side. Figured I was too good for one. Big mistake. Caused me to fall into a bit of a depression ya know. After a mission gone wrong, I lost my ego and lost myself. Didn't love myself anymore thought I was nothing but a mongrel. You can't love someone else if you don't love yourself."

Chase seems sad for Parker. He's been through so much. Yet he's also learned so much.

Chase: "Wow. I'm sorry about that. I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

Parker: "S'alright, I preciate it, but it was a reality check for me too."

Chase: "How so?"

Parker: "Taught me so much so quick. Made me brain light up and smack me up the side. Hehe. It's the little things that make the big things possible, you know."

Chase: "I'm glad it did, hehe."

Parker: "I will say I do look up to you a bit, Chase. Ya know how I said you remind me of me. Well, you remind me of a better me. That day I met ya. Let me tell you me whole life started to flow through. I saw what I've done wrong and what I've done right. I saw how you would've acted. I saw how you did better. That's one of the reasons I came back for you in that lab. I didn't want to see a better version of meself get merved hehe. Listen, Chase."

Parker places his paw on Chases shoulder.

Parker: "I know this retirement thing may seem crazy I see it in your eyes, and I'm really good at seeing people for who they are. Especially when you're interrogating a lot, hehe. But, I want you to know that whatever is divine brought you to me and brought you to Skye and brought you to now. I know you didn't really miss me. You felt drawn to me a bit. Well, let me leave you with this. Don't change your path. you're on right now, follow your gut in everything you do, and lastly, live, laugh, and love. Alright, me, cobber. Now bugger off hehe. I'm absolutely dunced right now. I'm meeting whatever is divine soon. But, on a personal note, visit me again. You're like the son I wished I had. Alright?"

Chase smiles at Parker he's shown him so much with his words.

Chase: "I will, Parker. I promise."

Chase starts to walk off, but Parker stops him one last time.

Parker: "Oh! And remember. Who Dares, Wins. Alright. Now let me go to dreamland, mate. I'll see you Chase have a g'day."

Chase smiles again and nods as he walks out of the cabin and drives his truck back to the lookout.

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