1000 Reads Special/Thank You

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Chase walks into the lookout tower, which sits empty. He walks over to a camera and turns it on. He begins to speak into it.

Chase: "Well, I'm speechless. We all are. Yes, I'm talking to you."

Chase points into the camera with his paws.

Chase: "Hello patrollers. One thousand reads! That is crazy. I've seen some stuff, but one thousand reads is next level for us. It's our first time being written about, and we can't thank you enough. As we upload more chapters to this story, we hope you continue to enjoy them. And we have some good ones coming up. You patrollers are the reason we made this story, and it seems like we're doing a good job, hehe."

Suddenly, Ryder walks into the observation deck. And sees Chase.

Ryder: "Chase, what are you doing here? And why are you talking to a camera?"

Chase is taken by surprise by Ryder's unexpected arrival.

Chase: "Oh, uh, we reached 1000 reads in our story, and I'm making a thank you video."

Ryder: "Really? Wow! That's amazing! Here, let me talk to them, alright?"

Chase: "Sure, go head."

Ryder walks over, and Chase steps out of the way for a bit as Ryder begins to speak into the camera.

Ryder: "I hope this things on. What am I saying? Of course it is. Anyway. Thank you so much, patrollers. We're extremely happy that so many people have tuned into our story. We want you guys to be happy, and it seems you guys are. The Paw Patrol is not the Paw Patrol without you fellow patrollers. You guys are the ones we give the highest amount of regard to. I'll let Chase continue what he was saying. But do not forget that the Paw Patrol is always on a roll when you guys are around! No job is too big! No pup is too small, or person, you guys are capable of amazing things, and you've given us so much love, and we hope this story is also made with love for you guys. Anyways, i'm going on a ramble. Thanks again, and we all leave you with the highest regard. Take it away, Chase."

Ryder walks off the screen from the camera, and Chase waves bye to him as he steps foot into the elevator. He then looks back at the camera and hops back into the frame.

Chase: "Well, like Ryder was saying, thank you guys so much. The Paw Patrol does not exist without you guys. And this story doesn't either. We want you to enjoy it as much as you can. I wish the others were here, but they're all preoccupied in their own personal things. If you don't know already right now, a lot of time has passed, and I mean a lot. I'm no longer 9, or 8, as of where you guys stand right now. I'm 12 now. I wish I could tell you what's happened. That would ruin what's to come though. And like I said, a lot of fun stuff is coming to you guys soon. When the author came to us and wanted to write a story about us, we didn't think it was going to blow up at all, at least for a while. But seeing 1000 reads already is pretty crazy to us. But we're not complaining, hehe. Again, on behalf of the Paw Patrol, we're very happy you guys are enjoying the story, and we hope you keep enjoying it. And always remember, the Paw Patrol loves you dearly. Alright, I have to go now. My cubs are giving their mother a hard time. I can hear them whining. Take care now."

Chase moves to turn the camera off but hears his cubs whining he quickly rushes to the elevator but again realizes he left the camera on. He quickly turns back and rushes over.

Chase: "Oh, sorry about that. I don't think you'd guys would be interested in seeing the empty observation deck forever. But one last thing. Don't forget that these paws uphold the laws! Well, they used to. It's been a while, hehe. Anyways, I gotta go. Thanks again. We appreciate it."

Chase turns off the camera.

* * * *

P.S. Thank you guys so much for 1000 reads. I know it may seem like not that much, but it is for me and warms my heart. I started this whole Paw patrol thing as a meme. And now I'm turning it into something serious, LOL. Seeing people enjoy what I make is a first for me. I've never written a story/book before, and it's crazy how the first time I do, people enjoy it. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. And get ready cause these next chapters are gonna be good. I'll leave you guys to the rest of your day/night. Keep your head up, and thanks again. I love yall so much. (No homo to the guys. LOL)

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