The Temple

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As the pups make their way inside the temple, they notice that there is no stone inside and the temple is made of metal on the inside. They soon find out that this is not a temple but a lab of some sort.

Rocky: "What? This place doesn't look like a temple. It looks more like a lab."

Rubble: "Yeah, it's weird, but kind of cool. Hehe."

Chase: "Alright, guys, stay close. We don't wanna fight anyone, but we may have to."

Zuma: "But fighting is kind of fun. But I get it."

Chase and the Paw Patrol slowly make their way through the lab as they notice rooms on the sides with frosted glass and silhouettes of scientists and guards doing random things inside. They suddenly hear distant radio chatter and hear footsteps getting closer.

Chase: "Quick, in here."

All the pups quickly run into a storage closet that so happens to be right next to them, they wait in silence for the guards to pass. They stay silent and hear the guards' footsteps and radio chatter quickly pass them, and mumbling can be heard between the guards, but the pups can't hear it. They wait for the footsteps and radio chatter to get more distant and quietly make their way out of the storage closet.

Rubble: "It was smelly in there."

The pups slightly giggle at Rubbles' comment but continue their way towards the main chamber in the lab.

Skye: "Chase. Shouldn't we look into these rooms or explore, then they might have stuff that can help us understand what's going on."

Chase: "I know, but we'll probably have to fight, and we don't want to be seen. If we're seen, they may tell Orion. We can't have that happen. It's also dangerous, and I can't have anything bad happen to the team. You know, leader things."

Skye rolls her eyes playfully but keeps walking with the other pups as they see a big door in the distance that has frosted glass looking out to the other side. Chase approaches the door and investigates it, trying to find a way to open it.

Chase: "Hmm, Rocky, can you see how we can open the door. I feel these touchscreens have something to do with it."

Rocky: "Sure thing, Chase, let's see."

Rocky investigates and inspects the touchscreen seen on the left of the door.

Rocky: "Okay, I think it's a two factor authentication door. So we need a code to access it, and then we need to put a password as well to open the door. I can maybe bypass the password, but I can't do anything about that code."

Chase looks disappointed but comes up with a plan.

Chase: "Alright, pups, it's time for some action."

Zuma: "Yay! Finally."

The pups look at Chase awaiting what he has to say. He's the lead pup, so he must have a good plan.

Chase: "Alright, we need to go to every room we passed and force our way to the code. But first, we need to find a communications box and destroy it so that messages can't be sent anywhere. I'm hoping that one of the rooms has one so we can destroy it. Without communication between rooms, we can deter anyone from coming to help the lab. I think those rooms are soundproof as we didn't hear anything passing it, but we could see them doing stuff. I know I didn't plan on fighting, but we have no choice this time. Even though I'm sure most of you guys wanted a fight. I won't lie. I was a little too, but, anyway. We still stay together and clear each room okay guys. Paw patrol is on a roll!"

The pups all nod and smile happily as they make their way to the first room they passed. They enter the door, and the scientists inside all look on in shock. A guard is seen.

Chase: "Arf! Net!"

Chase shoots a net at the guard, trapping him as the scientists run off, and the guards in the room prepare to fight. Marshall quickly jumps off the wall and kicks a guard in the face, putting him down.

Marshall: "Pup fu always wins!"

Another guard attempts to grab Everest, but she quickly weaves around it and latches onto the guards head.

Guard: "Why you -"

Everest falls backward while holding onto the guard, bringing him down to the ground and knocking him out.

Everest: "Take a nap on the cold floor!"

The last guard in the room is seen running towards a communications box, but Skye quickly flys towards him and grabs him by his helmet, and throws him, causing him to fall a certain way and get knocked out

Chase: "There! There's the first comms box. Marshall uses your water and break it."

Marshall: "Prepare for some water damage! Arf! Water cannon!"

Marshall quickly shoots a blob of water from his pup pack and hits the communications box, which sparks violently and makes a powering down sound.

The pups cheer as they quickly exit the room and move on to the others.

* * * *
After a while of fighting, the pups all successfully destroy all communication boxes, leaving the lab in the dark communication wise. They traverse back through the rooms and find a broken code, and decide to try it on the touchscreen by the door.

Rocky: "Here goes. 8, 7, 9, 2, it worked! Now, I'll have to deal with this password. Let's see here."

Rocky tries to bypass the password and, after a short while, successfully does. The door opens to reveal a large room with barrels and boxes strewn around in random parts of the area. A single light is seen shining from the ceiling down to a single chair that is turned around, showing its back to the Paw Patrol. As the pups make their way closer to the chair, suddenly a cage drops on top of them, leaving them trapped. The pups all jump in shock and try to break out of the cage. As they do, the chair slowly turns around to reveal a mysterious figure who gets up and walks slowly towards the pups.

Mysterious figure: "If it isn't the Paw Patrol. I knew I'd be able to capture you. The boss will be happy."

The voice sounds familiar slightly, but the pups can't put their finger on it, or paw. The mysterious figure walks towards the pups and is revealed to be.................

Chase: "What?! James?!"

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