I Don't Like You

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Chase is still angry at the event that hurt his best friend and left a scar on his team. He's been having many sleepless nights, and Skye has noticed this without Chase's knowledge. She worries about him as he's never been an angry pup. What's happening with him?

At night, Chase tries to sleep but finds himself tossing and turning. He decides to go downstairs and get some water as it might help him sleep. He knows sleep is important. Especially with what the Paw Patrol do. He gets out of his bed and takes the elevator down to the kitchen that lies empty with a single buzzing light. Chase grabs his bowl and puts some water in it, trying to be quiet. He finishes filling his bowl up and puts it down on the ground, and starts to drink it. Unknowing to him, Skye heard everything and is now behind him.

Skye: "Chase, what are you doing up. Tommorows a big day. We're getting more information on this Scorpio thing."

Chase is taken by surprise but not that much like he usually is. He's in a different state of mind, and it doesn't look like it's a nice one.

Chase:"Oh. Hey, skye. I'm just having trouble sleeping, that's all. I thought some water might do me good. Why are you up? I know you love your beauty sleep."

Skye: *chuckles* "Well, I guess.....Chase. I'm worried about you."

Chase's ears shoot up at the thought of Skye worrying about him. He always thought that he was the one who worried about her, not the other way around.

Chase: "Uh, really?"

Skye doesn't hold anything back as she lets her mind speak.

Skye: "Yes, Chase, I worry about you. You're no longer that pup I always looked up to. You're angry and snappy, and....you don't feel like a leader."

Chase: "Really? What do you think? I'd just move on. My best friend was injured, badly. My team was absolutely ruined emotionally. And honestly, Skye. That explosion was a reality check. We may seem so amazing at what we do. But we're fragile and still pups. It seems I'm the only one who gets that, though, huh?"

Skye: "Come on, Chase. Do you think you were the only one hurt, huh? You weren't. We all were. All I've been trying to say is that I don't like this new Chase. I want the old one back. The one who always lifted our spirits and made us confident. That pup is no longer with you, Chase."

Chase: "Well, I'm sorry. Deal with it."

Chase starts to get annoyed and angry. He's never felt these emotions before ever until now. What's happening to him?

Skye: "'Deal with it!' Really Chase. Deal with it? The old Chase would never say that. He'd try to make it better. And he always would."

Chase: "Well, that Chase is on a vacation. Just leave me be Skye. Please."

Skye: "No, I can't. I can't leave the pup that I.....I.....adore!"

Chase's angriness turns to shock.

Chase: "Uh wha-wha what?"

Skye realizes what she said but is strong enough to go through with it.

Skye: "Yes, Chase. I adore you. I respect you. And I......I....want what's best for you. This isn't it, Chase. I want that brave pup. That confident pup, to come back to us. To make the Paw patrol strong again. Ever since I met you, I've always placed you as my role model. I adored you and your personality. I felt connected to you, Chase. I always have. Until now."

Chase stammers, but the old Chase starts to come back.

Chase: "Really, Skye. Gee, I never knew you looked up to me that much."

Skye: "Well, I do. We all do."

Chase speaks from his heart.

Chase: "Well, Skye. I've also adored you, too. I've also respected you. And I've looked up to you. I know what you feel. It's hard to lose someone you.....care for.....and that's why I don't want to lose you."

Skye blushes and stands in shock but quickly gets deeper with her emotions like never before. Her emotions are beaming right now. Something they've never done ever. Until now.

Skye: "Well, Chase. I don't want to lose you. You are one amazing pup, which I'm sure you know, hehe, and I can't bear the thought of you not being near me. I'm pretty sure the Paw Patrol can't either. I'm starting to see the old Chase come back. And I'm really glad it is.

Chase: *chuckles* "Hehe, well what you said made me realize that I can't be like this in front of my team. I know being a leader requires so much strength and wits. But it also requires good habits that bring your team together. You guys really do reflect me sometimes, hehe."

Skye: "Well, you are hard to miss, hehe."

Chase and skye both giggle with each other and look at each other. They really respect each other. They know what they're capable of. They know they have to be good examples. They are the oldest pups anyway. Speaking of. They wonder how their lives will be after the Paw Patrol. Chase ponders about Skye on how she'd be a wonderful mother. And Skye ponders how Chase would be a great father. As they ponder these things and can't stop thinking about each other, they soon realize that they have been inching closer the whole time and realize their faces are 3 feet away from each other. Locked on the others' eyes.

Chase and Skye: "Whoa!"

They both jump back in shock as they had no idea that they were very close to kissing. They're still not sure if they want to make that leap. But they do know that they will one day.

Skye and Chase get visibly nervous at the little moment they had, but Skye breaks the silence.

Skye: "Well, Uh, are you alright then, Chase? Can you sleep now?"

Chase: "Um, uh, oh yeah, I think I'm getting tired now. *jokingly yawns*"

Skye: *giggles* "You're too funny, Chase."

Chase and Skye once again smile at each other as they make their way to the elevator, smiling the whole time it goes up. Once they arrive at the sleeping quarters, they quickly go back to their beds.

Skye: "Good night, Chase."

Chase: "Good night, Skye. Get that beauty sleep, hehe."

Skye softly smiles and jumps in her bed, and Chase does the same. The two pups drift off to sleep with a big smile on their faces. They both needed this moment.

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