The Investigation

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After a short drive, Ryder, Marshall, Chase, and Rubble arrive at Katie's salon. They seem confident as they want to know who would do such a drastic thing like nearly burn down Adventure Bay. They get off of their vehicles and head inside Katie's salon. 

Ryder: "Alright, pups, let's see if Katie can help us."

Chase: "I really hope we can get more information,  I'm worried that the person who did it could do it again."

Marshall: "I know, fire is really dangerous and scary. I should know, I am a fire pup after all, hehe."

The group giggles at Marshall's comment but is interrupted by Katie.

Katie: "Oh hey Ryder, do the pups need a grooming session?"

Ryder: "Oh, not today, we're doing an investigation about that fire at the town hall."

Katie: "Oh yeah, I heard about that. It was scary, was everyone alright at least?"

Ryder: "Luckily, no one was trapped or anything, but Mayor Goodway was hurt emotionally. You know she loves Adventure Bay. It's like her own kid, hehe."

Katie: "Hehe, yeah, she does. But what brings you here?"

Ryder: "Well, we found out someone actually caused the fire purposely, and we needed information on who might've done it."

Katie: "What! who would want to burn down Adventure Bay?!"

Ryder: "That's what we're trying to figure out."

Katie: "Well, what do you need me for then?"

Ryder: "Well we tried to see if any nearby cameras caught who entered the town hall and set the fire but James, the person who has access to those cameras, comes here often to get their dog, I think his name is Parker, groomed, and we need to know if you may know where the owner lives."

Katie: "Oh. You're talking about James, aren't you. He has such a cute Australian Cattle Dog named Parker. He's super cute, but yeah, I do have his address on file just in case I need to deliver things to him. Shampoo, conditioner, and other grooming stuff, you know the deal. He's not really a social person, though, so look out for that."

Ryder: "Great. Thanks, Katie."

Katie: "No worries, Ryder. I'm always willing to help the Paw Patrol."

Katie goes over to her reception desk and opens a drawer that has a bunch of files with names on it. She takes a file out with the name "Parker, Australian Cattle Dog." Written on it and gives it to Ryder.

Ryder opens the file and looks through it and finds James' address, and writes a note down on his pup pad. He then gives the file back to Katie, who puts it back in its place.

Ryder: "Thanks, Katie. I appreciate it. Maybe we can find out who started the fire and keep Adventure Bay safe."

Katie nods as Ryder, Marshall, Chase, and Rubble all head back to their vehicles and start heading to James' address.

Ryder: "Aright pups, so apparently James lives up on Jake's mountain, surprisingly, so I hope you guys can handle the cold for a bit."

Marshall: "I love Jake's mountain! Jake is so cool when he snowboards, and Everest is so fun to play with. She really likes the snow."

Chase smiles in the background, suspecting Marshall may have feelings for Everest, but he's not fully sure. He decides to mess with Marshall a little by slightly teasing him.

Chase: "You know. Marshall, I never really expected you to like the snow. Especially since you're a fire pup. Hehe."

Marshall: "I honestly used to not like it, but once we rescued those penguins with Everest, I started to like it a bit more."

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