quiet girl-jax

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Y/n's pov

I didn't know being a quiet person was bad at first but it was I had a crush on the popular boy Jax but he wouldn't like me he only talked to me once but he asked me for a pencil because the popular boys never have stuff but that's ok but I have this bully named Ashley she makes up rumors about people I mean she made up a rumor about one of the popular boys I think his name is nelson but she kept saying he took Ashley's virginity or whatever but I guess I was her target because finally one of my friends frankie showed up to school. Y/n you heard about that rumor Ashley is spreading she asked. The one about nelson I asked. No not that one the one about you she said. What did I do I asked confused. She's saying you slept with the male teachers she said. Ew what the fuck I don't even speak in any classes I said. Oh my God you cussed Frankie said. I know I said. That's the first time I ever heard you cuss she said. Oh I said. Hey sl!t Ashley said. What I said. You heard me you slept with all the male teachers she said. Before I could say something I felt all eyes on me it made me nervous I had a panick attack. Wait Ashley last time I checked you lost your virginity to the football coach I heard someone say but me and Frankie walked into an empty classroom so we don't know who it was.

Jax's pov

No I didn't what do you mean Ashley said. Yea you did someone took a picture nelson said. Jax I thought we were friends she said. After I found out about the rumors you've been spreading around about my friends I don't see you as a friend I said. You are not friends with the quiet girl she said. I might not be her friend but I know she's nice as hell she wouldn't even Bully the autistic kid she's the only one who hasn't so uh fuck with y/n again I'll make sure all of Houston knows about what you did I said walking away to find y/n I saw her and Frankie walk into a classroom but i don't remember so I had nelson help me check. Truth is I actually like y/n and if she likes me back and I can talk to her and probably get her out the quietness but that might take a long time.

Y/n's pov

Frankie I can't be here anymore I said. Ok breath it'll all be ok just act like your crush is here to comfort you she said. Ok I said while breathing and calming down but when I did calm down the door but open and I got scared. Shit my bad nelson said while sticking his head then opened the door all the way revealing jax. I turned around to look at Frankie confused she was more confused than I am. Yo so ima go nelson said. bruh stay yo goofy ass in here Jax said but his voice sounded closer like he was behind me. Frankie turned me around and Jax was right there. Are you ok he asked. I just nodded my head because I didn't want to talk. You sure he said. Hold on Frankie said turning me around. It's ok you can talk to him I'm right here she whispered. Ok I whispered back. She turned me back around and I looked at Jax. Ok are you sure he said. Yea I just panicked when people were staring at me I said. Well I hope you should know this but-jax has a crush on you and he has ever since 1st grade nelson blurted. Do you ever shut up Jax asked looking at him. I smiled because they are a funny duo I remember last year in science.

Last year

Jax pov

But anyways she is just so- yo do you want this burnt French fry nelson interrupted once again. No what the fuck I said. Oh well he said about to eat it but I hit him in the back of the head and he dropped the fry in the volcano. You clumsy idiot I said. You made me drop it he said. Bro shut up I said. Ok uhm Jax and nelson please present the teacher said. It's a fry it won't do shit nelson said. We went to the front of the class and we poured the stuff in it but it didn't work. What the fuck I mumbled. Hold on it's still adjusting nelson said looking in the volcano but then the fry popped out and hit him in the face. Ow you sped piece of shit nelson said which made the class laugh except y/n but she just smiled.


Y/n's pov

So you like me I asked. Yea jax said. So like she likes you back she still talks about when she gave you a pencil Frankie said. Do you ever shut the fuck up I asked. The whole room went quiet. You cussed again Frankie said shocked. Why the fuck is everyone shocked when I cuss I asked. Because you barely talk nelson said. Anyways I think y'all should just be girlfriend boyfriend already then boom we are all ok Frankie said. Yea I agree nelson said. Do they know what they're talking about Jax asked. No idea I said.

A year later

Jax's pov

Yo remember last year when you were the quiet girl I randomly asked. Shut up bro we are at lunch nelson said. Of course your goofy ass wants to eat y/n said. Shut up he said. Y'all chill I said. I want quiet y/n back he said. And I want you to shut the fuck up she said. Yea Jax  already unleashed the quietness when they started dating Frankie said. Yea now we found her other side which is mean asf I said. Remember the Ashley girl Frankie asked. Yea she moved after Jax  exposed her nelson said. Hey ya miss me quiet girl we heard. What the fuck nelson said. Y/n nodded her head no. Of course she is still quiet Ashley said. Bitch if you don't get your teacher fu- I covered y/n's mouth so she couldn't say anything else. Yea so I advise you to leave before you get exposed again Frankie said. Let the bitch try me Ashley said. I looked at y/n and uncovered her mouth. Bitch you cannot be calling me a bitch because at least i didn't get passed around by the football team last year y/n said. The whole cafeteria went quiet. Damn she will never go back to quiet girl I said.

Hey y'all this was requested by my fav 👇

Hey y'all this was requested by my fav 👇

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