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Nelsons pov

Please I said. No y/n said. Why I asked. We've been over this three million times already because I don't wanna she said. If I win a 1v1 you have to kiss me on the lips i said. Nelson she said. No now I said. Fine but I'll win and I win I just kiss your cheek forever she said. If I win you have to kiss me on the lips forever I said. Whatever not happening she said. Ok let's go outside right now I said. Ok she said.

Time skip y'all are outside

Nelsons pov still

Bro is filming necessary y/n asked. Yes anyways I'm finna do the intro i said. Anyways uh go practice shooting even tho your gonna loose I said. Whatever she said. Ok start I tell Noah. Ok he said. Alright hey guys so uh as you see that thing over there won't be a good girlfriend so we made a bet of she wins she has to kiss me on the cheek forever and if I win well when I win  you'll find out later I said winking. But I made her practice because she needs it I said. Shut up she said. Work I said. I am she said. Anyways let's start this game it's gonna be 13-0 I said throwing my basketball to y/n because she was shooting first. Shut up she said. She started dribbling and she ran to the basket and missed the layup. Oh my God she said. Yea give me the ball I said. She threw it hard at me. Damn so aggressive for what I said. perra estúpida she said. (Stupid bitch). Grosero soy muy inteligente nena I said. (Rude I'm very smart babe) no your not she said. Yes I am I said. Dispara ya a la maldita she said. (Shoot the damn ball already) I shot the ball where we were standing and made it. 3-0 I said as y/n passed the ball to me. It's finna be up your ass if you don't hurry up she said. At least I can do I layup I said before running to the basketball and making a layup. Ok uh that was a warm up I'm locked in she said. Bet I said.

Time skip

Nelsons pov

12-12 I said to the camera. Niles what are you doing I'm your brother you should be supporting me I said. Niles and y/n flipped me off so I turned to the camera and gave them a side eye. It's ok because I'm finna dunk on this girl I said. Ok break is over niles said. Your gonna loose y/n said. Sure I said passing the ball to her. She was getting ready to shoot but I ran to fast and my hand touched her butt and she missed the shot. Nelson she said. I didn't mean to I swear I said. You messed up my shot because you touched my ass she said. Too bad Cariño go cry about it I said. You ass hole she said passing the ball to be. We both ran down the court but before y/n could block my shot I dunked it and she fell and I hung from the basketball for a second and jumped down. You good I said. Yes she said. K helped her up then I smirked. What she said. Come here I said signaling Noah to bring the camera over to us. So y/n as you know you lost the bet so pay up I said. Fine she said. She grabbed my face and kissed me for a good 5 seconds and broke the kiss. Anyways get ready to do that forever I said. Anyways ima do the outro she said. Ok I said standing behind her. Alright guys that was it for this video if the video gets 19k likes  we will do a rematch  and I might be free from kissing him on the lips everday she said. Yea if this video gets over 19k likes no rematch I said. Fuck you she said. Anyways bye yall I said. Noah turned off the camera and went inside. Alright ima edit this Noah said walking inside. Ok I said. So y/n can I have another kiss I said. One she said. I grabbed her face and kissed her it wasn't long but it wasn't short either. Ok no more for today she said. Yall are gross niles said walking inside. He was still here I asked.

Hey yall so I need request for my bbg niles requested by my fav 👇

Hey yall so I need request for my bbg niles requested by my fav 👇

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Yall stop being dry readers and requests now 😡

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