1k special!

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My pov
I was dancing in my room until I saw my phone go off I grabbed it and saw it was a text from y/n. Then my phone glows and I drop it on the floor then y/n popped out the screen. Come with me she said. Ok I said. She grabbed my hand and I went through my phone. Read this she said on Wattpad. 1k reads I said. Yea so I want you to meet nelson and Niles she said. They live in Houston I live in b- no excuses she said dragging me through a portal it was dark. Isn't this the- yea it's me and Niles at the movies she said. Let's go to the most popular one she said. But i- shut up she said. We went through another portal. The lyric prank my first chapter of this book I said. Yep you got me and nelson together and girl I can't keep going back and forth with the boys she said. You kinda have too I said. Why she said. Because of the people are you I say. What she said. The readers are you Hun I said. So I'm not real she said. No but they think you're real I said opening a portal. Nelson and Niles she said. Yea the book version they think you're real I said. Oh but thank you I said to y/n. For what she asked. For helping me get to 1k I said. Oh your welcome but I didn't do it on my own she said. I had help from them she said pointing to all the chapters in my book so far. Yea they helped you didn't they I said. Yep and thank you for helping me be here she said. of course anything for you I said. She smiles and departs from me as I get out my phone. That was some weird shit I said. Y/n pops out the phone and walks towards me. Also get your life together and make the 1k special I'm waiting to see what happens to me nelson and Niles she said. Girl y'all are gonna do just fine I said. You sure she said. Yea also you got this be yourself and you can keep going back and forth they will never know I said. How come I was still with nelson for like 3 chapters in a row she said. Because I had no ideas for Niles but I'm working on one I said. Also go to my other books I said. Which ones she said. The nelson one, and Niles also has his own I said. Great more she said. Oh yea you got this now go back on the phone I said. Fine can't wait to see the Next chapter she said. Me too I said. I watch as she falls backwards on purpose. This girl is crazy I thought. Well time to write my chapters for this and my other million I said.

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