all because of one rizz-jax

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Jax's pov
Hey Jax lani said. What I said. Why so rude I didn't do anything she said. I don't like you I said. Anyways rizz up your crush she said twirling her hair. Ok I'll do it during our free period I said. Ok I'll wait she said walking away. Nelson bro you need to get your girl I said as he was walking up to me. What did she do he asked. She's flirting with me I said. No she's not he said. Bro whatever you say I said. Whatever if you don't quit being a bitch to my girlfriend I'll tell y/n you like her he said. I'm not even doing anything I said. Whatever she's probably gonna drop by Ms.martinez's class next period he said. I'll be in there I said. Yea no shit I am too she's lani's best friend duh sped monkey he said. Ok damn I said walking to art with ms.martinez.

Few minutes later

Y/n's pov

Ok can I go back to class I asked. Yes and behave or I'll call your mom the principal said. Ok I said leaving and instead of going to mr.clark I went to Ms.martinez's class because she's just better than all the teachers I have plus my crush is in there. I knocked on the door and waited for about 5 seconds before she answered the door. Girl get your butt in here ms.martinez said. I'm sorry I said walking in and seeing people on their  phones and some talking and sleeping or actually doing art but not the assignment. Why are you late she asked. Because I was in the office because apparently I I put spray paint on lani's chair I said sitting on her desk. Girl you mean prodigy's girl she asked. Yup I said. Ms. Martinez Jax won't give me my phone I heard someone yell. I blushed when I heard Jax's name. Jax give nelson his phone back he needs to text his lani girl and come here Ms. Martinez said. Yea Jax said. If you don't stop being jealous of nelson because he has a girlfriend and you don't I'll make you draw an initial for your crush and I'll show her she said. Sorry ok but why isn't she in class Jax said grabbing a pencil. she can be in here because I told her too she said. Anyways y/n can you look down Jax asked. Why I asked. Because I said he said. Looked down and Jax lifted my chin and we made eye contact. Ok I'm done can y'all date now y'all are making mad I can't hold y'all's secret anymore ms.martinez said. I guess I will i said.

2 months later

Y/n's pov

I went to Ms. Martinez's class and she opened the door but her classroom was dark and quiet. So uh where is everyone I asked. I made them take a nap because they were too wild she said. Out of nowhere Jax popped out of nowhere with a poster and nelson got in front of it and the rest of the class started playing Tennessee orange. What the fuck I said. Uh this wasn't the song nelson said. If y'all are gonna do stupid shit like this script it first I said. Shut up Nelson said. Anyways if you read this poster you need to sign a contract nelson said giving me a paper and pen. Don't bother reading ms.martinez said. Ok I said signing the contract or whatever it was. Nelson moved out the way and I read the sign. Read it out loud nelson said. Ok I said as I read the sign that said "y/n your pretty and all but that's not why your here the real reason is because it's been years since you've been to homecoming with someone special so I wanna be that special someone to take you to homecoming so please if you don't mind let me take you to homecoming". I looked at Jax and smiled saying yes and hugged him. Ok this was cute and all but it's time for lunch and I have a date with mister Luna Ms.martinez said which made everyone laugh.

I was in a rush to finish so if it's trash that's too damn bad bye I have another chapter to work on which was requested by my favorite person who requests

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