cams little sister nelson

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Y/n's pov
Today I was gonna be nice and "help" my brother coach his team. What up cam I say. Cam is dating a minor I heard a voice say. I'm his sister ass face I say. I'm sorry want a apology he said. I snatch a clip board from cam. What's your name kid I ask. Who do you think you are he asked. Y/n Wilder nice to meetcha I say. Ok but my name is Nelson just so you know he said. Ok Nelson, would you like to give your self a cookie I say. No he said. To bad everyone say thank you to nelson because y'all finna do suicides I say. Everyone goes to do suicides except nelson. Hun  I'm gonna say this once again, go do your fucking suicides I say. Whatever he said and left. Damn you told him cam said. What are you doing I ask. Uh- I don't care you do suicides too I interrupt. O-ok he said. How many do we have to do lavar asked. Just for asking you have to do 2 extra I say. Your an ass lavar nelson said. Just for that y'all got an extra 2 I say. Nelson stops and walks up to me. What is it nelson I say.  Listen just-just walk with me he said. Y'all better finish your suicides and practice layups I say. What is it I ask. Well for starters how old are he asked. I'm 14 I say. How the hell is a girl the same age as me gonna tell me what to do he asked. Because I'm not a team hopper I say. Your mid y'know he said. I thought I was shit I say. You are he said. I hit him with my clip board. Go back to the court and do 10 sets of suicides I say. Oh my God he said and walked away. If you keep walking I'll make it 20 I said as I said it he ran. Tbh he was kinda cute but I'm just here to help out more like take over the practice but not only have I been their coach  for practice I feel like I'm their actual coach because I've been to every game. But the problem is nelson right now I'm in air b&b because I don't want my team in no stanky ass hotel. I'm in my room and ofc nelson is at my door for no reason. What do you want nelson. I need to talk to you he said. Come in I say. I was gonna come in anyways he said. Ofc you were I say. Anyways he said closing the door. Ayo you better not try anything weird I say. What makes you think that he asked. Last time I checked you were doing weird things to your bed I say. Uh anyways let's be clear this won't ruin our friendship he said. Sure nelson I say. I like you he said. What.... I say. Your death because I said I like you he said. I heard you the first time I say. Ok then so what do you have to do when I say that he said. I like you too I say. Be serious he said. I am serious I said. Cool so you're my girlfriend he said. That's not how it works Hun I say. Back in my days it was he said. Whatever gets out of my room now I say. Fine he said and got up to open my door but before he left he attempted to shake his ass. Nelson what the fuck is you doin bruh lavar said in the hallway. Get out of here old man nelson said while closing my door. I hate this kid but he's my boyfriend how weird is that. Oh and we did a horrible job at hiding it from cam. Because not even 2 days later he found out. Y/n nelson we need to talk cam said from the dining area. What up cam nelson said while I was on his back. What is this cam said looking at us. I'm giving y/n a piggy back ride nelson said. No shit nelson cam said. I know something y'all don't cam said. What is this dude talking about nelson asked me. I don't know, let him finish stupid i said. Well I heard y'all kissed last night. Lavar you snitch nelson yelled. I got off of Nelson's back and stood next to him. Who told you that I ask. Nobody because I was joking about what I said cam said. But y'all actually kissed cam said. Hey it's time for me to go get the milk nelson said. It's time for me to go with nelson so he doesn't get lost I say. We both then ran and Cam the bitch yelled at us. Y/n your grounded cam said. You can't ground me I say. I can now he said. Well let's just say lavar grabbed both of us and best us with a basketball worst day ever.

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