y/n vs Samantha

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Y/n's pov

I walked into school saying bye to my older brother and sister and made my way to my friends and saw a girl with them so I walked over to them. Uh excuse me hi I don't think we met I said. Oh a pick me the girl said. Oh I said. Uh y/n this is my cousin Samantha Jax said. Yea I've known him forever y'know since he's my cousin Samantha said. Mhm I'm aware because he just told me I said. Ok well these are my friends Jayden and nelson I've known them for a year she said. Mhm I think I know them I said. Oh really so like me and Nelson are close she said. Very nice I said. I don't even know you nelson said. Stop nelson she said hitting Nelson in the arm. Uh ok I said. So like you can date my cousin because he's single and all but that's whatever she said. He's my- also Jayden is like a brother to me she said. That's nice and all Samantha but like I don't care I don't wanna date Jax because he's literally my- no need to yell, see all girls do is yell and like it's rude because I'm one of the boys she said. I am not a pick me because I've known Jax and nelson forever I said. Oh because it's like y'all met in kindergarten she said. No Samantha Jax is my cousin from his mom's side your on his dad's side and nelson is my boyfriend I've known his for a long time because his family is close to mine because they literally grew up together not a long Jax's mom is my aunt because she's my dad little sister I said. Yea Sam your my cousin by marriage so your not my real Cousin by blood Jax said. Oh and Jayden is literally considered my cousin I said. Oh uh nice to meet you I love your hair-shut the fuck up I interrupted. Sorry she said. Anyways since we got off to a horrible start hi I'm y/n you are I said. Hi y/n I'm Samantha nice to meet you she said. Mhm don't let that happen again I said walking off until nelson grabbed my arm. Your losing brain cells on her you know he said. You're not helping I said. Just saying he said. Whatever I said. She's gonna continue to do this you know right he said. Yes I'm aware but I'm finna make her wanna go back to wherever she came from I said. Violent much he said. Yea I'm gonna go to class now I said. Ok I'm coming with you jax said. Ok I said. Oh nelson can I go to class with you then Samantha asked. Let me see your schedule nelson said.  Samantha got her schedule and "accidentally" dropped it so she turned around and bent over in front of nelson but he pushed her with foot and she fell. Dah fuck he said. Ow that hurt who did that Samantha said. Bruh nobody touched you  nelson said. Me and jax just laughed as Samantha looked stupid asf. Ight we gotta go for real jax said. Ok bye yall I said. Bye Jayden said. Me and jax walked away and then I thought about something. Hey jax I said. Yea he said. She still hasn't met lani and Frankie has she I said. Nope but she will when Frankie comes back from new York and lani to feel better he said. What's wrong with lani I asked. Oh she's sick he said. I put my shirt over my mouth because if lani is sick jax might be sick because they are always together because they are together. Bro stop jax said pushing me playfully. Can't wait for her to meet the others...

I found this in my drafts also I'm sick right now so Ima try and post

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