Is he here or not?!?-nelson

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Y/n's pov

What is up to everyone I said. Sissy can I have one my 2 year old sister ashliana said. No it's too spicy I said. Please she said. Fine I said giving her a hot Cheeto. Anyways I said.

Y/n's sista: she is so adorable

Arizona_teas: what do you think of nelson neumann

Nelsons_bae_3: he's mine sorry y/n🖕

She is adorable I said hugging ashliana. What do I think of nelson neumann uh I mean I don't know him but he's fine not gonna lie I said. No bitch ashliana said. Why did you say that I said. He's yours not hers she said. Oh who I asked looking at the comments. He's mine not yours sorry y/n I read. Shove that finger up your ass because that's my man's he just doesn't know I said. Y/n Nelson is in your live my sister Kayla said bursting in my room. No he's not I said looking through the people in my live. He was I swear on ashliana she said. Don't ever put shit on ashliana or I swear if something fucking happens to her I will suffocate you I said. Ok chill I'm sorry she said. Anyways he's not here I said. So can y'all hop off d- shut up Kayla Kaydence is in the live I interrupted. I added Kaydence to the live so I can see him since he is in New York. Hey how's new york I asked. It's good, me and the team are just chilling and- RAHHHH we heard a voice say. What was that I asked. Bro be quiet people are sleeping Kaydence said. RAHHHH we head a voice say. Stop you fucking furry Kaydence said. I'm scared of furries Kayla said. Y'all see this furry Kaydence said changing his camera to a curly haired blonde kid mugging Kaydence. God damnit I said fixing my hair. Stop cussing bro your 14 Kaydence said. No one's looking at you he said. Fuck off I said.

Nelson neumann: what's up

Arimen134: not Nelson in the live💀

Cdlambfan220: hi nelson!!

Hi nelson I said. Wait a damn minute Kayla said. Fucking hell I said hitting my phone. Calm down Kaydence said. Nelson what are you doing my brother asked. Ew ashliana said. Ok so nelson is in the live I yelled. Yes Kayla said. Omg he heard me call him fineeee I said. Yesss Kayla said. Ok let's calm down I said. Can I make this worse Kaydence asked. How I asked. What up nelson said. Omfg I said. So your kinda fine too so yea he said. Ok this is too much ending the live
Kayla said and ended the live.

To be continued....

So I feel like ddot hates me because I woke up and my friend called saying he was live on tiktok but before I joined he ended it so I was like ok well maybe next time a few minutes later he's live on insta so I joined for 5 seconds and he ended it so I was like bro he hates me so I saw he was live again so I said no because every time he's live and I join he ends it Noah was live two hours ago and ddot was live an hour ago and it was just such a chaotic day 😭 anyways.... Requested by 👇

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Hope you liked this and y'all..... QUIT BEING A EMO READER AND REQUEST SOME STUFF BECAUSE IM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS!!!! Anyways 5 seconds after having a stroke have a nice day/noon/evening/night whatever time your reading this

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