face time-niles

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Y/n's pov
I was casually singing face down before Niles started face timing me.

Niles ❤️ is calling

I answered obviously and saw Niles starring at his phone. You good I asked. He didn't reply he just stared at me. Niles I said. He just stared it was kinda scaring me. A random song started playing on my speaker and I looked at Alexa like she was crazy because I never told her to change the song. Alexa turn that goofy shit off I said mugging it.  I then looked aty phone and saw Niles gone. What the fuck I said. My mom then burst in my room and td me to stop cussing at Alexa. But mom she was playing a random song I said. Shut up my mom said leaving but then looked at my phone looking concerned. Is he ok she asked. Who I asked. Niles she asked. I looked at my phone and saw Niles starring at me. I don't know mom he's being weird I said. I'm being weird I'm just starring at you that's what facetime is niles said. I jumped when he started talking. Ok I'm out my mom said closing my door. Why are you just staring at me it's scary I said. Well I just felt like it  he said. Anyways what do you want I asked. I want to talk to my girl- best friend Niles said as nelson walked past him.  What the fuck you looking nelson said. A ugly motherfucker Niles mumbled which made me laugh. What was that  little boy nelson asked. Nothing go away Niles said. Whatever nelson said walking away. Niles he's gonna find out one day I said. Yea but today isn't the day he said. Mhm I said. Anyways I have a reasoning for calling you he said. And what is that I said. Because it's night time he said. Ok I said. So that means you have to go to sleep on call right now Niles said. Ok I said. So go to sleep Niles said. I am I said. Ok goodnight Niles said. Goodnight I said I closed my eyes but I faked sleep to see what Niles was gonna do but he ended up going to his room and watching TV. He then got tired and layed down. I love you he said before falling asleep. I love you too I said. Before actually falling asleep.

Yoo so I'm not dead I am currently home alone so I can do whatever I want so I'm updating my stories and making new ones because why the fuck not

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