it's not like that-noah

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No disrespect towards Natalie

Noah's pov

I still don't get why she just did it I said. Well you have other hoes right y/n said. Shut up I said. Ok chill she said. Ok sorry but still how do girls think I asked. Why you asking me I'm not an expert on girls she said. Why not I asked. I live with that boy she said pointing at Jax who was on the couch with Nelson. So you're just not girly I asked. No shit Noah she said. Ok my bad I said. Y/n mom wants us to come home Jax said. Ok y/n said. I'll call you when I get home she said. Ok I said. Alright bye she said leaving.

Y/n's pov

Why can't y'all just date already Jax asked. What do you mean I asked. You and Noah before he dated his ex I wanted y'all to be together he said. Why, I asked. So me and nelson can be step brothers he said. Your ass I said. No I'm being forreal y/n he Said. Jax stop it's not like that I said. No you need Noah and he needs you he said. You don't even have a girlfriend I said. Says who he said. Wait a fucking minute who's your girlfriend I asked. Your best friends with her older sister he said. Wait you're dating ashliana I asked. Yea he said. Aw y'all are so cute I said. Yea I stole her from nelson he said. Jax why would you do that I asked. Well Natalie stole Noah from you. I didn't like Noah at that time I said but quickly put my  hand over my mouth. Oh so you do like Noah he said. It's not like that i said. Whatever he said.

Noah's pov

Why won't you date y/n nelson asked. Because I don't like her I said. Y'all are literally made for each other stop playing with me he said. I just broke up with Natalie nelson I said. Bro before you dated Natalie you and y/n were made for each other he said. I liked her while dating Natalie and I wanted y/n but Natalie took me from her I said. So Natalie took you from y/n the same way Jax took ashliana away from me he said. Wh-

y/n's pov

We got home and I went to my room which Jax followed me into my room and went live on the floor. I called Noah so I could tell him how I felt. Hello he said. Hey Noah I wanna talk about something I said. Yea me too Noah said. I'll let you go first I said. Ok well I I've kinda liked you before and while I was dating Natalie and I feel like shit telling you now he said. Oh damn I was gonna say that I said. Date him Jax said. I flipped Jax off while I was still on the phone with Noah. So you like me I asked. No shit Jax said. Jax shut the fuck up I said. Yea I do Noah said. Ok well uh what does this mean I ask. Uh we go to a basketball game noah said. When I asked. This weekend he said. Perfect I said. Ok I gotta go he said. Ok bye I said. I hung up and started getting all smiley. Stop simping Jax said. I'm not I said sitting on the floor next to him. Is that ashliana I asked. Shit Jax said getting out the camera. I thought I was a simp I said . Shut up he said.

Y'all its 1:32 am send me to bed I have a dentist appointment and a volleyball game tomorrow someone take my phone away....

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