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"Miss. Jackson?" My secretary knocked on my door. I had just finished a conference call with the Boss of one of my law firms in New York. One of the most successful in the country, may I add. I also have several other businesses around the country.
"Yes?" I said through the intercom.
"Raheem Amini is here to see you!"

Thee Raheem Amini?

Raheem Amini is filthy rich, inherited money from his grandfather who owned several oil tycoons around the world. Of course, his grandfather passed and gave all his money to the next man in the family, Raheem's father. Now that he's getting older, Raheem is next in line. They say he may become the richest bachelor to ever live.

Raheem Amini.
What an ass.

"Send him in," I ordered. Suddenly my door opened and he entered. He had dark olive skin, and straight, long dark brown hair in a ponytail. He had the darkest eyes I've ever seen. He was wearing a black velvet suit that appeared to be Versace.

He grinned when he saw me and walked over to me slowly, his white Louboutins clicking with every step.

"It's very nice to meet you, my love." He grabbed my hand, bent over and kissed it. I sighed.


Even once I became a millionaire, I refused to act posh, I hate it. I still go to the same burger place I went to when I grew up in Cleveland, still watch Netflix. Still ridiculously independent. I haven't had a boyfriend in years. I need no man.

Mr. Amini sat on my leather couch that's across from my desk. I had no intentions on knowing him personally, but I wouldn't mind a business deal with the man.

"Nice office you have here," he looked around at my empty walls and wooden floors.
"I just moved to this building," I flashed fake smile. He chuckled.

"You know I'm not much older than you," he crossed his leg.
"You know my age?" I asked. I know it's nowhere online, I thought.
"Thirty," he grinned, "would've had me fooled."
Is he trying to flirt with me?

"Mr. Amini what brings you here today?"
"You bring me here." I instantly became nervous. But then again, I'm not interested in dating. Ha! I have a business to run.

"I watched you on television yesterday, at your charity event."

"You? Watch a charity event?!" I laughed in his face. The Amini family is known for never donating money for the good of the community, or for the good of anybody at that.

He sighed, "You must understand, I am not like my father. I donated Two Million dollars to your charity." I instantly felt bad for laughing, but I didn't show it.

"Well thank you Mr. Amini."
"No problem, Miss. Jackson." I looked behind me at my view of the city. I had a penthouse office. I then back at him. He was staring at me intensely.

"Do you need something?" I asked.
"I want to sleep with you." What the fuck?!

"Leave!" I demanded. He laughed.

"I'm serious, I find you very attractive." He brought a small sheet of paper out of his suit and placed it on my desk. "That's my address and personal cell phone number."

"You can put that shit right back in your suit!" I yelled with an attitude. He chuckled.

"Ooo feisty!" He smiled sinisterly.
"Shut up!" I yelled hitting my desk.
"You're so adorable!" He reached forward and touched my hair.


"Get out of my hair!!" I smacked his hand. He pulled one of my curls forward to him and rolled it around in his fingers.
"Wow," he mumbled under his breath.
"Are you crazy!?" I yelled pulling my hair back.

"I'm crazy for you," he smiled innocently and bit his lip.
"Get out!"

"Look," he begged adjusting his tie, "I'll pay you!"

"I don't care how much money you have," I said as I stood and walked to the side of desk, "I think you need to go Mr. Amini."

"But I'm a billionaire, baby!" He laughed.

"Cool! I'm a millionaire! I don't need your money," I crossed my arms. He's got a lot of nerve coming over to MY company tying to woo me! Ha!

He stood up and walked over to me. Woah, he's way taller in person.

"I want you," he whispered.
"Mr. Amini-"
"You can call me by my first name," he dragged his finger from my cheek to my neck.

"Fine," I said getting nervous, "Raheem, get out!" He was looking down my blouse. I smacked him.

"What the heck is wrong with you!?" I yelled. He laughed, touching where I slapped him.

"Just call me Ray."

"LEAVE RAY!" I pushed him but he wasn't moving .

"How about this," he whispered in my ear, "I will have you within the next seven days."

"Yeah right!" I chuckled.
"So that's a bet?" He smirked. I knew he had no chance.

"Yeah sure!" I laughed at him. "Now get out!"

He gave me a seductive smile and left my office.

And the time begins...

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