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Hey guys! Sorry for the late update I was on the best vacation of my life☺️but my plane just landed so here's a chapter lol enjoy !!

"Monroe I'm not leaving!"

I looked at the kid. He was about two years old and looked exactly like Ray. It made me mad...so mad I could cry.
"Ray, just get out."

"Diana's been tryna trap me with him for years!"
"I'm not trapping you!" She yelled, "this is your son!"

Denzel walked over to us, "get a DNA test."
"She won't let me take one." What the fuck?
"Why?" I asked.
"She knows it's not mine!"
"I don't want to take a DNA test because- he just...he needs to claim his child." Diana begged.

"You're fucking lying bitch!" Ray yelled.
I walked up the the boy she was holding. He had Ray's eyes...but that doesn't mean that's his son. He's way lighter, and had straight hair.

Only one way to find out!

Everyone was silent as I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup of water, and walked back to them.
"What are you doing?" Diana asked.
"Shut up."

I dipped my fingers in the water, then put the water in the boy's straight hair.

It didn't curl.

"Well bye Diana!" I said as I closed the door.
"You go girl!" Denzel yelled happily.
"WAIT!" She yelled.
I cracked it back open, "what?"
"This is Raheem's son!"

"Diana, I wasn't even in Armenia at the time when you would have gotten pregnant!" Ray argued as he started to close the door.
"RAHEEM!" She yelled.
"I-I love you." She started to cry slowly and my heart softened for her. "Do you understand how hard this is?! You had sex with me all the time since we were little! I was raised thinking you would take me as your wife, now you don't even like me?!"

"I never did, Diana!" Ray yelled.
"Then why would you take my virginity?!"
"You let me!"


I walked between them, "Ray, can I talk to you upstairs please?"
He sighed and followed me upstairs to my room.

I closed the door, "Ray...I understand that things are different where you're from, but you can't treat women like dogs."
I started to realize that may not value women. He has me on a 7 day clock, fucked Diana whenever he wanted, now treats her like crap.

"I don't treat women like dogs!"
"Ray! Yes you kinda do!"
"Baby...I- I want you to teach me."

He sat on my bed and covered his face, "I haven't felt love since my Mama died...I need you to help me."
"Help you love?"
"...and help me know how to love."

I sat next to him and rubbed his back. I couldn't imagine how it would feel to have my mother die. Especially if I grew up with her, and didn't know she was my mother. He's probably hurting really bad.
"You know I'm here for you baby."

He sat up and looked at the wall for a moment, then pulled out his phone.
"I'll be right back," he spat out as he walked into my closet. He put the phone to his ear then closed the door.

I sighed and walked outside to find Denzel and Diana playing with the little boy.
"So," I said walking down the stairs, "Who's his real father?"

"Raheem is, Monroe."
"Cut it, Diana."
She sighed, "Monroe it's not that easy to explain it-"
"Tell me or get out."

Denzel put the boy down, "Basically, Ray has a brother and doesn't know about it because they don't have the same mother."


"Denzel!" Diana yelled, "I told you not to tell anyone!"
"I didn't tell anyone! I just told Monroe!"

"Ray has a brother?!"

"Yup!" Denzel assured.
"Denzel stop!" Diana grabbed the boy and headed for the door.

"Wait!" I yelled. She stopped and turned to me.
"You need to tell Ray."
"No! I could never!"
"Well I will so-"
"No!" She put the boy down and walked over to me, dropping to her knees. "Oh Monroe, please don't!"

"Because he isn't supposed to know!"
"His father said that Raheem is not supposed to know!"
"Because he will be upset!"
"Damn right!" I started to walk up the stairs.
I'm so telling Ray. If I had a long lost sister I'd want to know!

"Monroe, you will regret it if you take another step!" I stopped.

Did this bitch just threaten me?

I laughed and kept walking up the stairs. I could hear Diana grunting. I turned around to look at her from the top of the steps. She was clenching her fists and was redder than a tomato.

"What?" I asked.

Suddenly 3 men ran into my apartment. One punched Denzel across the face and he fell unconscious. I screamed and ran down the stairs to pull him away from the men. When a strong smelling cloth was put over my face.

My eyelids got heavy while I slowly blacked out.

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