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~~~~~~~~~~~~DAY 1~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up in my bed alone.
Maybe I should've slept with him.


I rolled over in my white puffy sheets and checked my phone.

Jess: You guys still coming over for breakfast?

Ash: I am

Tina: Yup!

Me: Yeah I might be a little late.


Me: Omfg no lol

My phone continued to buzz as I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I turned on the water to let it get warm as I brushed my teeth. I put my hair up as I hopped into the shower.

Why can't I get him off of my mind? He's so real. I was sure he was gonna be an arrogant asshole...he's so sexy! He said he wants to 'wife me'. I need to ask him how he found me...what is it about me that he really likes?

I walked out of the shower and dried myself off. I walked into my closet and dressed in my blue high wasted jeans with a white strappy bustier. I put my hair up in a bun and walked out to my room to check my phone.


Jess: Omg you gotta give us the details Roe!!!


Me: I didn't sleep with him!!!

I walked downstairs when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over to answer it and it was a delivery man.

"Mrs. Amini?" He asked.
I laughed, "Sure."
"These are for you." He picked up the largest bouquet of red roses I've ever seen. I could barley even hold them because they were as big as me. I walked over to my couch and set them down.

"You also have a letter." He held out an envelope. I walked over to him and accepted it.
"Thank you sir." He nodded and walked away. I sat next to the bouquet of flowers smiling ear to ear. I opened the letter.

Dear Mrs. Amini,

As I rode back home from your apartment I couldn't get you off of my mind. I know it's only been a day, and I'm sorry if I ever made you think that I only wanted sex from you. I mean, yes, I do want to make wild, passionate love to you. But, I also do want a relationship. You truly amaze me. I've never met a woman that didn't throw themselves at me because they know how much I'm worth. You said you didn't even care how much money I had. You meant that in anger at the time, but it made my heart melt. I can't wait to see you today Monroe. I also can't wait to meet your family. Last but not least, I can't wait until you're mine.
Also I hope you enjoyed the flowers. I'm not sure if you like roses.
Ray Amini.

That man

I started giggling and jumping around like a child while waving the card around.

"I take it you liked the card?" I looked at the door and Ray was standing there looking at me with a smirk.

Oh my Lord how long was he standing there.

"I-I well I uhh."
"Wow," he said to himself as he walked towards me slowly, "look how beautiful my woman looks today." I turned around and squealed. This is too much for one morning.

I suddenly felt his arms wrap around me and he kissed my neck.
"Good Morning Mrs. Amini." I was smiling too hard to say anything back. He turned me around and kissed my lips passionately.

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