Big News

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Hey Friends!!
First of all Thank you so much for getting my book 7 Days to 500,000+ views. I'm so grateful for that, there are no words to describe what it means to me.

I have big news.

I've finally done it!

Yes, I rewrote 7 Days and Wolf. That's where I've been there last 2 years.

To make a long story short, I wrote 7 Days and Wolf when I was about 17 in my high school library and at home. 7 days and the beginning of Wolf were completely freewritten.
As a result of this, when I got to the end of the books I was a little upset that I couldn't go where I wanted with them.
Which was the fantasy route.

With that being said, I have fixed my characters, and totally remaking some of them , and created a graphic series! I'm excited to show you what I've done with Ray and Monroe.

Wolf and Jodie are sort of the same. Though they're renamed, it's the same story but with a fantasy twist that you NEED to see.

This is a 9 part series, and the first book will be out next week.
If you've been a reader of mine for a while, you may remember my character Waldo.

Now his name is Cody.

In this short book you'll be introduced to my world named Orsa and meet 17 year old Cody who has no idea what's going on in his new city Genim.

Make sure you have your notifications on and my books added to your library so you'll be alerted first when my book is finally released.

See you all soon!

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