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Ray, Denzel, and I rode in the limo silently to drop Denzel off at an arena for his show.
"So," Denzel said as we got closer to the arena, "where you guys going for vacation?"

"It's a surprise," Ray said. He looked at me and smiled, bringing his hand to mine. We laced fingers and I leaned on his shoulder. This is so perfect.

"You guys are cute." We looked at Denzel and he was getting ready to leave the ride, smiling at us.
"Bye Zel!" I yelled as he left. Leaving Ray and I alone.

"Where are we going?" I asked as the limo began to drive again. It was still pretty early in the day.
"It's a surprise, my love!" He kissed my forehead, "but, I have my stuff packed, so we're gonna stop by your place so you can pack. We have a loonnggg flight!"
He kissed rose my hand to his lips and kissed it, "it's a surprise."


We arrived at Ray's jet, after a long make out session in the car. A man came and got our bags, while Ray walked me to the jet.
"Raaaaay?" I called as I sat down.
"Where are we going?!"
"I'm not telling you!" He sat next to me and smiled, "but, if you give me a kiss I'll give you a hint."

I giggled then leaned in and pecked his lips.
"Tell me!" I demanded.


"I want another kiss."
I sighed and kissed him again. He softly grabbed my chin and pulled me forward as he leaned back. He grabbed my thighs and pulled me onto him. I could feel the budge in his pants hardening, so I pulled away from him and sat up, still straddling him.

"What the fuck?"
"Tell me where we're going!" Ray sighed and rolled his eyes, wavy hair flowing around him.
"I'll give you the hint," he pulled me back over him. "I have a lot of houses all over the world." He kissed my lips softly and grabbed my ass.

"The world?" I asked.
"Yup," he smiled and let me go. "Now," his face straightened, "there's something serious I need to know."

I froze.
Am I in trouble?!

"Yes?" I said innocently, sitting up in the chair.
"I'll tell you after the plane takes off." He turned around nonchalantly and fastened his seatbelt. I sighed and did the same. As the plane began to dash down the runway, I was filled with tension. What's he gonna say?!

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