7 Days II

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Dear Monroe,

It's been a while since we last talked, which surprises me. But, I understand. Your evil husband Ray probably forbid you from seeing me. Why did you marry him? Why don't you want to love me? Remember that night we had? Remember?
Anyways, that's not why I'm writing to you. I wanted to tell you some very important information. First off, I've gotten therapy. I went to a couple different doctors, but, I've changed a lot. I've also found out that you're expecting a baby! Congratulations!
I can't wait for us to raise our first baby together!
This may be confusing, but I wanted to tell you that the night I fingered you, I made sure I put my seed on my finger. I wanted to make sure that part of me will always live with you, even if it's not me myself. Just because I love you that much. I hope we'll be in touch soon! I'm so excited for the baby!!:)

Meka Lani.

There's more of a preview in my book, Wolf.

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