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I reached around her waist.
There it is.

"You wanna do this in the car?" Melissa asked.

I grabbed her phone and snatched it out of her pocket.
"HEY GIVE IT BACK!" She yelled.

I easily got through the password lock, going to her text messages.

Raven: Thee Raheem Amini?!

Me: Yeah he's running around the lot!!

Raven: Girl! Have sex with him and make sure he gets you pregnant.

Me: And get half of that multi billion dollar check!!

Raven: Yesss!!! Share with me though 😂😭

Me: I got you girl!! I'm gonna tell him my car broke down or something.

Raven: you're a smart girl.

Me: here I go!!

Surprise surprise

"Let me explain," she yelled.
"Don't even."
"Bitch, this happens all the time."

"I'm so sorry!"
"Oh I know you are," I threw her phone on the ground and smashed it with my foot. "You have a nice day."


After walking down the block for a few minutes, it started to rain pretty hard. Never have I ever walked in the rain, especially in my nice clothes. It's probably dangerous for me to be walking around here at night, in the dark. But I had a lot on my mind anyways.
What am I gonna do with Monroe? She said she wants it to be special when she loses her virginity...that made me feel horrible.
I've been trying to take her any and everywhere, not valuing her body. I hope she doesn't think I'm a pervert. I hope she knows how much I care. I'm wrong for putting a time limit on when I need her to fuck me...man that's wrong. I'm a bad person.
But I want to make love to her. I wanna know what that feels like. I heard that when you make love, your soul ties with that person. I want my soul tied to hers.

Is it too early to propose?
Maybe I'm in over my head.

"Ray." I looked around in the rain trying to find the voice.
"Ray." I walked into an alleyway, following the voice. It was pitch black, and impossible to see anything.
"Who's that?!" I yelled.

The voice started to sound familiar. I walked all the way to the end of the alley, facing a brick wall.
"Ray." I heard from behind me. I looked back to the middle of the alley and there she was.

My Mama.

"Mom!!" I yelled as we walked towards each other.
"I'm so proud of you, baby."
"Is it really you?" I started to blink back tears.
"Come here." She held out her arms and hugged me. The hug I've been missing. Is this happening!?

"I love you," she said.
"I love you too."

She backed away from me and started to leave the alley.
"Wait!" I yelled as she left.

"What?" I blinked and Monroe was walking into the ally.
"I heard you yelling in here so I walked over. What are you doing? It's raining hard out here!"

I sat against the brick wall. Letting the rain pour on my head. I didn't care if my hair got wet anymore. When I see my hair, it reminds me that Ms. Jones is my mother.
"Baby?" She said, sitting next to me, leaning on my shoulder.
"What's wrong?"

I couldn't tell if I was crying, or if it was the rain on my face.
"I just wish...I had at least one day knowing that she was my real Mom. I wish I could've hugged her and said 'I love you, mom' or been able to call her mom on Mother's Day and really meant it"
"I know baby."

I looked down at her. Her hair was soaked and so were her clothes.
"Why did you go to the park?"
"Something happened."

I swear to God if someone touched my Monroe I will rip their fucking throats out and make them eat it.

"Like what?" I put my arm around her, making her snuggle against me.
"If I tell you, you're gonna be mad."

Fuck yeah I'm gonna be pissed the fuck off! I will stab them in their eyes and make them drink the blood!

"No I won't, babe."
"Fine...Promise you won't be mad.
"I can't make any promises."

"MEKA WHAT!?!" I shot up and started pacing the ground, "I SHOULDA KILLED HIM WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!"

"Baby," a soft voice said behind me.
"Come here."
I sat back next to her, trying to hold back my anger.
"I just wanna say, I know you're mad. I know after I tell you, you're probably going to want to kill Meka." Damn right. "But, Please don't. I think something is seriously wrong with him mentally. He doesn't know what he's doing, or that it can hurt me. I've been thinking about it, and I really do feel bad for him."

"Baby tell me what he did."
"He...um..." I rubbed her back to make her feel more comfortable.
"Come on baby."
"He snuck in my house while we were sleeping."

Oh fuck that.

"Is that it?"
"He forced me to let him give me head."

I started to black out with fury...I losing control of myself.


I saw Monroe's mouth move but I couldn't hear anything as I started to black out...

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