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"How dare you!" Meka grunted through his teeth as I sat against the wall, hands cuffed behind my back.
"What are you talking about?!" I yelled.

"How dare you, be with two different men when you're MINE!"
"I don't talk to Denzel like that... and I have the right to date whoever I want!" Meka sat in front of me and crossed his legs, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Well at least I have you now," Meka said calmly.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked. He looked up at me, dark eyes burning right through me.
"What do you mean?"
"Why would you handcuff me?!"
"So you don't leave! Silly!" He reached out and rubbed my head.

"You can put it that way." I remembered that Meka is naive, childish, and immature. I could easily outsmart him.

"Yes!" He smiled sweetly at me.
"Do you know how bad this is? What you're doing?"
"Yeah I guess."
"How about you unlock these handcuffs and we can eat the fruit snacks! Remember?" He paused and looked at me. Then instantly fell back laughing hardly at me.

"You seriously fell for that bullshit?!"
"W-what?" He sat up and looked at me.
"Monroe I'm a grown ass man. I don't eat no damn fruit snacks!"

"I thought if I acted like a shy kid you would fall for anything I say, which you did." He smiled and pinched my cheeks. "I'm twenty-eight years old Monroe. I'm not stupid."

"So you lied this whole time?"
"I didn't lie, I did what I had to do." I instantly thought about how he told me he was never hugged. I felt like a fool.
"So...did you really grow up like you said you did?"

"Listen, yeah I grew up in a orphanage blah blah blah, but then I found you. I had to be with you. I moved to the states just because I found out you live here. I had this house designed, to keep you down here. Just incase you start dating someone else so I can take you keep you here. You can't leave, nobody can see you...you're MINE!"

"So you actually think this is gonna work?"
"I know it will."
"You think nobody will go looking for Monroe Jackson?" He sighed.
"Don't make me angry." He quickly stood up and walked out of the room.

I hated that my hands were cuffed...he probably took my purse on purpose.

That kinda rhymes.
Took my purse purpose.
I could so be a rapper.

Suddenly Meka walked back inside and sat in front of me.

"Hungry?" He asked as if nothing ever happened.
"No I'm not hungry!"
"Why are you yelling at me?"
"You kidnapped me!" He gasped then slowly hung his head down.

"I just...I just didn't know how to have you," Meka whispered. He looked back at me with sorrow in his black eyes.
"This isn't the way," I replied in a comforting voice.
"I need you...you changed my life."
"I did?"
"You showed me who I am," he confessed as he scooted closer to me, "I didn't feel so insecure after I saw you."

"I understand Meka," I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. When I pulled back from him, a tear was slowly rolling down his cheek.
"I just...I feel so bad," he whispered softly.

"You do?" I heart went out to him. He doesn't know what to do with himself. He doesn't know how to properly love someone... I feel bad fo-

"NO!" He smiled at me then laughed again. "You're too easy!!!"
"You fell for the tear? Seriously?! I coulda stole you years ago!" He stood up and began to walk to the door. "I'd think a successful businesswoman like you would be a little smarte-"

Suddenly the door opened and five tall men wearing black suits and sunglasses walked in, grabbing Meka and pulling him out.

"Wow Monroe," Ray toyed as he arrogantly walked inside and squatted in front of me, "I leave you alone for a few hours and you get kidnapped!"
"Shut up and get these cuffs off of me!" I laughed.

"Boys!" Ray ordered. Suddenly one of the men in suits walked behind me and snapped off the handcuffs.

"Now, gimme kiss." Ray laughed and puckered his lips.
"No!" I laughed.
"Come on, gimme a kiss baby!" Ray repeated. I grunted and pecked Ray's soft lips.

He laughed and grabbed my hand, leading me out of the cellar. Three of the guys were surrounding Meka. He was smiling sinisterly.

"This isn't over," he mouthed.

We arrived back at my loft and I laid back on my bed. I stared at the ceiling as I thought about what just happened.
"Stressed?" Ray asked as he walked in.
"A little." He laid on his stomach next to me.
"Were you scared?" He asked.
"Suuuure," he toyed. I rolled over and faced him. I could see in his eyes by the way he looked at me, that he was really in love with me.

"How'd you find me anyways?" I asked. He sighed.
"Well I texted you a million times and you didn't reply...Then I had some of my people do research on Meka Lani and it turns out, he's a master manipulator.
Right after that I remembered how you told me that he acts like a kid which makes no sense because he's a grown man. So, I had my boys take me to his house, we checked all the doors and when we opened the basement door we knew something was up. I opened the door at the end of that hall then I heard you yelling at him."

"So then you went and saved me?" I asked.
"Exactly." We smiled at each other for what felt like a life time.
"Well thanks superman." I bent forward and kissed him. Then hopped up and ran to my bathroom for a shower.

As I stepped into my steamy shower I thought about things.
If it wasn't for Ray, I would still be stuck down there with Meka. He's a master manipulator?? I guess he fooled me! But, he seemed so genuine. He confuses me...I wonder if Denzel only talked to me because he wanted sex. I haven't heard from him since I turned him down that night. Well, technically isn't that why Ray even talked to me? Sex? Well I guess not, he said he wants more. He said he wants me to have his kids! And I guess I do actually like him...I wouldn't say love, but maybe strongly like... It's only been three days! But, maybe I should still give him a chance. I'll tell him it's official, He's my boyfriend!

I hopped out of the shower and put of my yoga pants and a tank top. My pink bra was showing from the top, but I payed it no mind.
I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Ray I-" I quickly noticed he was on the phone and haven't noticed me.

"Yeah I'm at her house now...No we're not serious like that...We're just friends! I don't even like her like that! Calm down!...Love you too...bye." Ray hung up then looked back at me and gasped with wide eyes.


I ran out and headed downstairs towards the kitchen.
"Monroe listen! Please! Let me explain!" He yelled as he ran down the stairs.

"EXPLAIN WHAT?!" I yelled.
"You gotta listen to me! Please sit down!"

"MONROE I-" I grabbed my knife from the kitchen. "MONROE!!!"

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